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dc.contributor.authorAryanto, Angga Yuhistira
dc.description.abstractMembrane filtration is a process of material separation which is widely used in industry and laboratory scales. One of numerous membran~ material is chitosan. Chitosan is a non toxic material, a strong cationic, a good flocculant and coagulant and easy to form film or membrane. The aim of the research are; to produce chitosan membranes by using crustacea waste, to identifY characteristics and characteristics of chitosan membranes and to analyze (he influence of solvent and chi(osan concentrations the membranes. The research was done within (wo steps. The first step focused on producing chitosan from shrimp skin waste and chitosan characteristic. The other stpe of the research was to produce chitosan membrane, which was prepared by the phase inversion method. A complete random factorial design 3 x 4 with two replications was used in this research. The first factor was the type of solvent (acetic acid, citric acid and fonnic acid). The second lactor was chitosan concentration (1 %, 3%,5% and 7%).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePemanfaatan Khitosan dari Limbah Kulit Udang (Crustacea) Sebagai Bahan untuk Pembuatan Membranid

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