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dc.contributor.advisorYuliati, Lilik Noor
dc.contributor.authorFairuz, Farah
dc.description.abstractKomunitas lingkungan menjadi wadah remaja untuk beraksi dalam ranah publik yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat memengaruhi pelestarian lingkungan dan perilaku pro-lingkungan orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis intensi remaja mengikuti komunitas lingkungan dengan pendekatan Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Penelitian ini menggunakan cross sectional study secara voluntary sampling pada 250 responden. Analisis data deskriptif, korelasi, dan SEM diolah menggunakan Excel, SPSS, dan LISREL. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan informasi mengikuti media sosial komunitas lingkungan berhubungan positif signifikan dengan intensi mengikuti komunitas lingkungan. Hasil uji SEM menunjukkan norma subjektif, persepsi kontrol perilaku, identitas sosial, dan efikasi kolektif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi. Selain itu, orientasi nilai berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sikap serta identitas sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efikasi kolektif dan efikasi partisipatif. Namun, norma subjektif, persepsi kontrol perilaku, dan intensi masih berada pada kategori rendah. Dengan demikian perlu adanya upaya penguatan norma subjektif dan persepsi kontrol perilaku guna mendorong remaja untuk lebih berpartisipasi dalam komunitas lingkungan.
dc.description.abstractThe environmental community is a forum for teenagers to take action in the public sphere, which can directly or indirectly influence environmental preservation and others’ pro-environmental behavior. This study aims to analyze the influence of tenagers’ individual and social motivations on their intention to join environmental communities. This research uses a cross sectional study with voluntary sampling on 250 respondents. Descriptive data analysis, correlation, and SEM were processed using Excel, SPSS, and LISREL. The correlation test results show that age, education level, and information following environmental community social media accounts has a significant positive relationship with the intention to join environmental communities. The SEM test results show that subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, social identity, and collective efficacy has a significant effect on intention. In addition, value orientation has a significant effect on attitude and social identity has a significant effect on collective efficacy and participative efficacy. However, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intention are still in the low category. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to strengthen subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to encourage teenagers to participate more in environmental communities.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Minat Remaja Mengikuti Komunitas Lingkungan dengan Pendekatan Extended Theory of Planned Behaviorid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Teenagers' Intention to Join Environmental Community with Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
dc.subject.keywordaktivisme lingkunganid
dc.subject.keywordtindakan kolektifid

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