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dc.contributor.advisorYani, Moh.
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Shandyka Yudha
dc.description.abstractIndustri minyak dan gas berpotensi menghasilkan limbah hidrokarbon dari kegiatan eksplorasi, pengolahan, dan distribusi minyak bumi. Risiko tumpahan minyak bumi dengan adanya senyawa polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) dapat mencemari lingkungan. Penelitian ini mencoba menangani air tawar tercemar hidrokarbon melalui simulasi constructed wetland menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan faktor dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) Bio-OSD yang merupakan produk surfaktan dari minyak sawit dan waktu kontak dengan Pistia stratiotes sebagai fitoremediator. Parameter simulasi meliputi kualitas air dan pertumbuhan tanaman sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pistia stratiotes memiliki daya tahan terbaik selama 7 hari dengan DOR maksimum 0,2 : 1. Constructed wetland dengan Pistia stratiotes memenuhi baku mutu kualitas air tawar dengan derajat keasaman 6 - 9 (kecuali perlakuan dengan 0 : 0, 0,1 : 1, 0,2 : 1, dan 0,3 : 1 pada hari ke-3), suhu 26 - 32
dc.description.abstractThe oil and gas industry can potentially produce hydrocarbon waste from petroleum exploration, processing, and distribution activities. The risk of petroleum spills in the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds can pollute the environment. This study tried to treat hydrocarbon-contaminated freshwater through constructed wetland simulation using a completely randomized design with the factors of dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) Bio-OSD which is a surfactant product from palm oil and contact time with Pistia stratiotes as a phytoremediator. Simulation parameters include water quality and plant growth according to Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021. The results showed that Pistia stratiotes had the best durability for 7 days with a maximum DOR of 0.2 : 1. Constructed wetland with Pistia stratiotes meets the quality standards of freshwater quality with acidity degree 6 - 9 (except treatments with 0 : 0, 0.1 : 1, 0.2 : 1, and 0.3 : 1 on day 3), temperature 26 - 32 °C, dissolved oxygen (DO) > 1 mg/L, total dissolved solid (TDS) < 1000 mg/L, total suspended solid (TSS) < 400 mg/L, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) < 80 mg/L (DOR treatments 0 : 0, 0.1 : 1, and 0.3 : 1 on day 3). The effectiveness of COD removal reached 100.00% in DOR 0.1 : 1 and 0.3 : 1 with a contact time of 3 days. Based on these results, Pistia stratiotes plant has the potential to be a phytoremediator in constructed wetland to treat hydrocarbon contamination in freshwater with the addition of Bio-OSD DOR of 0.1 : 1 and contact time of 3 days.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenanganan Air Tawar Tercemar Hidrokarbon Menggunakan Constructed Wetland dengan Tanaman Pistia Stratiotesid
dc.title.alternativeTreatment of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Freshwater Using Constructed Wetland with Pistia stratiotes Plants
dc.subject.keywordPalm Oilid
dc.subject.keywordConstructed wetlandid
dc.subject.keywordPistia stratiotesid

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