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dc.contributor.advisorBantacut, Tajuddin
dc.contributor.advisorRusli, Meika Syahbana
dc.contributor.authorSYARIFAH, BILQIS
dc.description.abstractMRMP Karawang merupakan sentra penggilingan padi yang perlu meningkatkan produktivitas beras dengan mengoptimasi proses pengeringan dan penyimpanan GKG demi menjaga ketahanan pangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pengeringan dan penyimpanan GKG terhadap mutu beras yang dihasilkan sehingga dapat dihasilkan suhu optimal dan parameter yang sesuai. Penelitian optimasi pengeringan dilakukan dengan dua pengujian suhu pada sistem kontrol manual. Pengeringan dipengaruhi oleh suhu, kadar air awal, kondisi alat, dan varietas gabah. Hasil pengeringan menunjukkan bahwa sistem kontrol manual dengan suhu 70 °C dapat memperoleh rendemen tertinggi, laju pengeringan tertinggi, dan persen loss terendah berturut-turut sebanyak 83,05%, 0,947%/jam, dan 3,11%. Analisa biaya terendah diperoleh oleh suhu 75 °C karena proses pengeringan berlangsung lebih cepat dengan mengeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp 673.372.8. Hasil mutu penggiliingan ditunjukkan bahwa sistem kontrol manual dengan suhu 70 °C mencapai butir kepala tertingi sebanyak 83,04%. Identifikasi faktor kualitas mutu GKG disusun dan dibuat prosedur terkait penyimpanan GKG dengan maksimal kadar GKG yang disimpan 14%bb, suhu 30 °C, kelembapan 70%, dan masa simpan kurang dari 8 bulan dengan pengendalian yang dapat dilakukan berupa penambahan sensor integrasi dengan aplikasi, monitoring harian, kalibrasi sensor, pencatatan, pemakaian chiller, dan maintenance alat.
dc.description.abstractMRMP Karawang is a rice milling center that needs to increase rice productivity by optimizing the drying and storage processes of GKG (Gabah Kering Giling) to ensure food security in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the factors affecting the drying and storage of GKG on the quality of rice produced, to determine the optimal temperature and appropriate parameters. The drying optimization study was conducted with two temperature tests on a manual control system. Drying is influenced by temperature, initial moisture content, equipment conditions, and the variety of rice. The results of the drying process show that the manual control system at 70 °C achieved the highest yield, highest drying rate, and lowest loss percentage, with respective values of 83.05%, 0.947%/hour, and 3.11%. The lowest cost analysis was achieved at 75 °C because the drying process was faster, incurring costs of Rp 673,372.8. The milling quality results indicate that the manual control system at 70 °C achieved the highest head rice yield of 83.04%. The identification of GKG quality factors has been compiled, and procedures related to the storage of GKG have been established, with a maximum GKG moisture content of 14%wb, a storage temperature of 30 °C, humidity of 70%, and a storage duration of less than 8 months. The recommended control measures include the addition of integrated sensors with applications, daily monitoring, sensor calibration, record-keeping, the use of chillers, and equipment maintenance.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOptimasi Proses Pengeringan dan Penyimpanan Gabah Kering Giling pada Modern Rice Milling Plant di Perum Bulog Karawangid
dc.title.alternativeOptimization of Drying and Storage Processes for Milled Dry Grain at the Modern Rice Milling Plant in Perum Bulog Karawang

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