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dc.contributor.advisorHapsari, Rianti Dyah
dc.contributor.authoramalia, estu kharisma
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan konsumsi lemak dan minyak memicu penyebab kematian akibat penyakit jantung coroner (PJK). Makanan dengan asam lemak trans tinggi bersumber dari minyak nabati terhidrogenasi, produk pangan yang berasal dari hewan ruminansia, maupun makanan yang melalui proses pemanasan dengan suhu tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dua metode ekstraksi lemak berbeda yaitu metode Folch 1957 dan AOAC Official Method 996.06: Fat (Total, Saturated, and Unsaturated) revisi 2001 terhadap kadar lemak sampel pangan dan mengidentifikasi profil asam lemak sampel pangan dari dua metode ekstraksi lemak yang berbeda. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi margarin, biskuit stik coklat, dan kentang goreng siap saji. Data analisis profil asam lemak diuji menggunakan paired t-test. Dominansi profil asam lemak yang muncul dari tiga sampel yang diuji adalah asam laurat (C12:0), asam palmitat (C16:0), asam cis-9- oktadekanoat (C18:1n9c), dan asam linoleat (C18:2n6c). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari dua metode yang digunakan terhadap kadar dan profil asam lemak sampel (nilai signifikansi >0,005).
dc.description.abstractIncreased fat and oil consumption triggers the cause of death due to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Foods with high trans fatty acids are sourced from hydrogenated vegetable oils, food products derived from ruminant animals, and foods that go through a heating process with high temperatures. This study aims to test the influence of two different fat extraction methods, namely the Folch 1957 method and AOAC Official Method 996.06: Fat (Total, Saturated, and Unsaturated) revised 2001 on the fat content of food samples and identify the fatty acid profiles of food samples from two different fat extraction methods. The samples used in the study included margarine, chocolate stick biscuits, and ready-to-eat fries. The fatty acid profile analysis data was tested using a paired t-test. The dominant fatty acid profiles from the three samples tested were lauric acid (C12:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), cis-9-octadecanoic acid (C18:1n9c), and linoleic acid (C18:2n6c). The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods used on the fatty acid levels and profiles of the samples (significance value >0.005).
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleUji Perbandingan Metode Ekstraksi Lemak Folch 1957 dan AOAC 996.06 Revisi 2001 untuk Analisis Profil Asam Lemak pada Sampel Panganid
dc.title.alternativeComparative Test of Folch 1957 Fat Extraction Method and AOAC 996.06 Revised 2001 for Analysis of Fatty Acid Profiles in Food Samples
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordAOAC 996.06 revisi 2001id
dc.subject.keywordtrans fatty acidsid
dc.subject.keywordFolch 1957id
dc.subject.keywordfatty acid profileid

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