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dc.contributor.advisorAfnan, Rudi
dc.contributor.advisorDarwati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorMujad, Ibnu Amar
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan mutu genetik ayam lokal telah dilakukan dengan mengembangkan ayam IPB-D1 sebagai rumpun baru ayam lokal unggul yaitu IPB-D2 dan IPB-D3. Ayam IPB-D2 sebagai calon galur yang memiliki titer antibodi tinggi dan ayam IPB-D3 memiliki pertumbuhan yang cepat. Pertumbuhan bobot badan yang cepat akan memengaruhi persentase karkas dan potongan komersial. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon produksi karkas antar persilangan. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis deskriptif dengan menyajikan nilai rata-rata (x¯), simpangan baku (sb) dan koefisien keragaman (KK) serta uji-T dengan setiap persilangan sebanyak 10 ulangan. Variabel karkas yang diamati adalah bobot potong, karkas, dada, paha atas, paha bawah, sayap, punggung, dan variabel non karkas yaitu kepala, kaki, usus, hati, jantung, serta ampedal. Ayam hasil persilangan ayam IPB-D2 dengan ayam IPB-D3 dan resiprokalnya tidak memberikan perbedaan nyata pada bobot potong, persentase karkas, dan persentase non karkas. Perbedaan nyata hanya pada komponen dada yang disebabkan terdeposisinya daging pada bagian dada. Simpulan bahwa ayam hasil persilangan ayam IPB-D2 dengan ayam IPB-D3 memiliki persentase potongan dada yang lebih tinggi dibanding resiprokalnya. The genetic quality of local chickens has improved by developing IPB-D1 chickens as a new line of superior local chickens. The IPB-D2 chicken is the offspring of IPB-D1 chicken selected based on high antibody titer of body resistance. Meanwhile, the IPB-D3 chicken is the offspring of IPB-D1 chicken chosen based on the production of fast meat growth. This research contains information on measuring the percentage of carcass, non-carcass, and commercial cuts of chickens from the cross of IPB-D2 chickens with IPB-D3 chickens and their reciprocals at 12 weeks of age. The research objective was to see the response of carcass production between crossbreeds. The data were analyzed descriptively by presenting the mean value (x¯), standard deviation (sd) coefficient of variation (cv), and t-test with each cross including ten replicates. The carcass variables observed weight carcass, breast, thigh, drumstick, wing, dorsal, and non-carcass variables were head, leg, intestine, liver, heart, and gizzard. The crossing of IPB-D2 chicken with IPB-D3 chicken and its reciprocal did not significantly differ in weight, carcass percentage, and non-carcass percentage. There was only a significant difference in the breast component due to the deposition of the meat on the breast.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Persentase Bobot Karkas dan Potongan Komersial Ayam Hasil Persilangan Ayam IPB-D2 dengan Ayam IPB-D3 serta Resiprokalnyaid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Carcass Weight Percentage and Commercial Cuts of Chickens Crossed with IPB-D2 Chicken and IPB-D3 Chicken and their Reciprocals
dc.subject.keywordayam IPB-D2id
dc.subject.keywordayam IPB-D3id
dc.subject.keywordpersentase karkasid
dc.subject.keywordpotongan komersialid

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