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dc.contributor.advisorSetyaningsih, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorDwiputra, Chikal Ananda
dc.description.abstractNyamuk adalah vektor berbagai penyakit menular berbahaya seperti malaria, DBD, dan chikungunya yang banyak dijumpai di wilayah tropis seperti Indonesia. Salah satu upaya pencegahannya yaitu dengan menggunakan body spray anti nyamuk berbahan alami yang dapat menggantikan body spray berbahan DEET yang memiliki efek samping berbahaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahan baku terbaik dalam pembuatan body spray anti nyamuk, mengetahui stabilitas dan karakteristik body spray yang terbentuk, dan mengetahui efektivitas sediaan body spray yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan uji hedonik Essential Oil (EO) diperoleh EO terbaik yaitu EO D. Berdasarkan uji hedonik body spray anti nyamuk, diperoleh produk terbaik yaitu produk F yang menggunakan emulgator TEA Tween 80. Berdasarkan uji pH didapatkan produk F mengalami penurunan pH selama masa penyimpanan baik pada suhu ruang maupun oven. Uji homogenitas menunjukan semua sediaan F homogen. Uji organoleptik menunjukan tekstur dan aroma sediaan yang sama yaitu cair dan aroma khas ekstrak yang digunakan, tetapi pada sediaan yang disimpan disuhu oven dapat merusak warna menjadi bening kekuningan dan pemisahan fasa lebih cepat terjadi pada suhu oven. Pengujian efektivitas sediaan F terhadap nyamuk didapatkan hasil tertinggi 94,12% pada ulangan 1 jam pengamatan pertama dan hasil terendah 73,68% pada ulangan 1 dan 2 jam pengamatan keenam.
dc.description.abstractMosquitoes are vectors of various dangerous infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and chikungunya which are often found in tropical regions such as Indonesia. One way to prevent this is by using natural anti-mosquito body spray which can replace body spray made from DEET which has dangerous side effects. The aim of this research is to determine the best raw materials for making anti-mosquito body spray, determine the stability and characteristics of the body spray formed, and determine the effectiveness of the body spray produced. Based on the hedonic Essential Oil (EO) test, the best EO was obtained, namely EO D. Based on the hedonic test for anti-mosquito body spray, the best product was obtained, namely product F which used the TEA Tween 80 emulsifier. Based on the pH test, it was found that product F experienced a decrease in pH during the storage period both at room temperature and oven. The homogeneity test shows that all F preparations are homogeneous. The organoleptic test shows that the texture and aroma of the preparation are the same, namely liquid and the characteristic aroma of the extract used, but the preparation stored at oven temperature can change the color to become clear yellowish and phase separation occurs more quickly at oven temperature. Testing the effectiveness of the F preparation against mosquitoes showed the highest result was 94.12% in the first 1 hour observation repeat and the lowest result was 73.68% in the sixth 1 and 2 hour observation repeat.
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian dan PT Eteris Prima Wiyasa
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleReformulasi Produk Body Spray Anti Nyamuk dan Uji Efektivitas Sediaan Body Spray Anti Nyamukid
dc.subject.keywordBody spray anti nyamukid
dc.subject.keywordEfektivitas mengusir nyamukid
dc.subject.keywordAnti-mosquito body sprayid
dc.subject.keywordEffectiveness in repelling mosquitoesid

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