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dc.contributor.advisorAditia, Edit Lesa
dc.contributor.advisorBaihaqi, Muhamad
dc.contributor.authorFayzah Sangadji, Auliyaa
dc.description.abstractKesejahteraan hewan dapat meningkatkan performa domba yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penerapan kesejahteraan hewan pada peternakan domba garut PT Alam Indonesia Raharja (PT AIR). Penelitian ini menggunakan 49 domba garut betina yang dipelihara secara intensif. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara serta analisis data secara deskriptif. Penilaian aspek kesejahteraan hewan berdasarkan panduan Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) for Sheep yang memiliki 4 prinsip good feeding, good housing, good health, dan appropriate behavior. Hasil analisis kesejahteraan ternak pada penerapan good feeding masih terdapat 37% ternak domba memperoleh skor BCS 2 (kurus), namun pada kondisi serta ketersediaan air dikatakan baik 100%, dimana ternak mendapatkan air minum dengan kondisi bersih. Selanjutnya, pada penerapan good housing dilihat dari penilaian kondisi wool ternak yang masih kotor dikarenakan kondisi kandang yang kurang bersih, terdapat 47% ternak domba yang mengalami stress panas ringan, 100% kepadatan tampung ternak tidak memadai, dan terdapat ternak domba yang memiliki kondisi pertumbuhan kuku yang berlebihan. Aspek penerapan good health ternak domba memiliki kondisi normal yaitu tidak adanya lesi, kepincangan, dan mastitis pada ternak domba tetapi terdapat 10% ternak domba mengalami anemia dan 2% ternak mengalami okuler. Hasil penilaian appropriate behavior menunjukan 100% ternak domba dalam kondisi normal yaitu tidak adanya perilaku penarikan sosial, stereotype, dan gatal berlebihan. Kesejahteraan hewan pada peternakan PT AIR berdasarkan AWIN for sheep pada penerapan appropriate behavior sudah baik dan sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditetapkan welfare quality. Tetapi pada penerapan good feeding, good housing, dan good health masih belum memenuhi standar.
dc.description.abstractAnimal welfare can improve optimal sheep performance. This study aimed to analyze the animal welfare implementation in the garut sheep farm of PT Alam Indonesia Raharja (PT AIR). This study used 49 garut ewes that reared intensively. The research methods carried out through observation, interviews and descriptive data analysis, and the assessment in this study was based on the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) for sheep guide which has 4 principles of good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behaviour. The results showed that the analysis of livestock welfare in the implementation of good feeding still have 37% of ewes getting a BCS score of 2 which means that the BCS condition of the ewes was still not good because the ewes have a thin body condition. The availability of drinking water was 100% good, where livestock get drinking water with clean conditions. Furthermore, the application of good housing was still dirty due to unclean cage condition. There were 47% of ewes experience mild heat stress, 100% of livestock housing density is inadequate, and there were some ewes that have excessive hoof growth conditions. Aspects of the application of good health have normal conditions, namely the absence of lesions, lameness, and mastitis in ewes but there were 10% of ewes indicating anemia and 2% livestock have ocular. The appropriate behaviour assessment showed that 100% of ewes in normal condition, namely the absence of social withdrawal behaviour, stereotypes, and excessive itching. Animal welfare on PT AIR farm based on AWIN based on the appropriate behaviour is good. However, the implementation of good feeding, good housing, and good health still does not meet the AWIN standards.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Penerapan Kesejahteraan Hewan Pada Peternakan Domba Garut PT Alam Indonesia
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Implementation of Animal Welfare on Garut Sheep Farm of PT Alam Indonesia Raharja.
dc.subject.keywordGarut Sheepid
dc.subject.keywordAnimal Welfareid
dc.subject.keywordPT AIRid

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