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dc.description.abstractDi era globalisasi, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memainkan peran kunci dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk transportasi. Salah satu inovasi penting adalah layanan Cold Chain Mobility Service, yang menjaga kualitas produk rentan suhu selama distribusi. Industri rantai dingin Indonesia tumbuh pesat, namun kapasitasnya masih kurang. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) merespon dengan TOMONESIA dan TOMOLOGI, solusi penyimpanan dan distribusi dengan suhu terkontrol. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk merancang struktur dan kelayakan finansial untuk Cold Chain Mobility Service. Proyek ini juga menggabungkan aspek risiko, finansial, dan pasar dalam merancang layanan ini, menggunakan metode Analisis situasional Van der Vorst, analisis biaya historis, dan Cost Benefit Analysis. Kelayakan finansial dianalisis melalui Cash Flow, NPV, IRR, Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C), Payback Period (PP), Profitability Index (PI), dan Return on Investment (ROI), serta analisis sensitivitas. Hasilnya menunjukkan investasi ini layak dengan NPV Rp6.663.703.918, IRR 87,10%, dan Payback Period 2 tahun 1 bulan. Proyek tetap layak meskipun terjadi perubahan ekstrim pada variabel utama. Hal ini menekankan pentingnya strategi mitigasi risiko dan pengelolaan operasional yang efektif untuk keberlanjutan layanan di tengah dinamika bisnis yang berubah.
dc.description.abstractIn the era of globalization, information technology and communication play a pivotal role in various aspects of life, including transportation. A significant innovation is the Cold Chain Mobility Service, which preserves the quality of temperature-sensitive products during distribution. Indonesia's cold chain industry is growing rapidly, yet its capacity remains insufficient. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) has responded with TOMONESIA and TOMOLOGI, solutions for controlled temperature storage and distribution. This project aims to design the structure and assess the financial feasibility of the Cold Chain Mobility Service. It integrates risk, financial, and market aspects using methods such as Van der Vorst's situational analysis, historical cost analysis, and Cost Benefit Analysis. Financial feasibility is evaluated through key metrics like Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP), along with other financial considerations. One-way sensitivity analysis is also employed. The results indicate the investment's viability with an NPV of Rp6.663.703.918, IRR of 87.10%, and a Payback Period of 2 years and 1 month. The project remains viable even under extreme changes in key variables, underscoring the importance of effective risk mitigation strategies and operational management for sustaining the service amidst evolving business dynamics.
dc.description.sponsorshipProgram Studi Teknik Industri Pertanian dan PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN)
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleRancang Bangun Struktur dan Kelayakan Finansial untuk Cold Chain Mobility Serviceid
dc.title.alternativeStructural Design and Financial Feasibility in Cold Chain Mobility Services
dc.subject.keywordCold Chain Mobility Serviceid
dc.subject.keywordKelayakan finansialid
dc.subject.keywordAnalisis sensitivitasid

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