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dc.contributor.advisorUlupi, Niken
dc.contributor.advisorAfnan, Rudi
dc.contributor.authorIbadurrahman, Kifah Muhammad
dc.description.abstractKualitas dan kuantitas pakan puyuh periode bertelur menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan untuk memaksimalkan produksi telur. Sumber protein pakan puyuh memiliki harga yang relatif mahal sehingga diperlukan sumber protein alternatif yang lebih murah seperti maggot. Akan tetapi belum diketahui dampak dari pemberian maggot BSF sebagai pakan terhadap organ pencernaan dan ketahanan tubuh puyuh periode bertelur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ukuran organ pencernaan, limpa, dan total leukosit puyuh periode bertelur dengan pemberian maggot BSF dalam pakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Uji-T dengan 2 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan untuk setiap perlakuan. Peubah yang diamati berupa persentase bobot dan panjang relatif organ pencernaan, persentase bobot limpa, serta total leukosit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran organ pencernaan dan ketahanan tubuh pada puyuh periode bertelur yang diberi maggot BSF dan MBM tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap persentase bobot, panjang relatif pada organ pencernaan dan limpa serta total leukosit. Penggunaan maggot BSF dengan dosis 12% dalam pakan sebagai sumber protein utama tidak berdampak negatif terhadap kondisi organ pencernaan dan ketahanan
dc.description.abstractQuail is one type of poultry that has great potential in Indonesia. Feed is a very important factor that quail can produce eggs maximally. However, feed protein sources are expensive, so an alternative protein source needed is BSF maggots. The study aims to analyze the size of the digestive organs, spleen and total leukocytes of quail at the laying period that given BSF maggots in the feed. The parameters observed were the percentage of weight and relative length of the digestive organs, the percentage of spleen weight, and total leukocytes. This research used the T-test method with 2 treatments and 5 repetitions for each treatment. The variables observed were the percentage of weight and relative length of the digestive organs, the percentage of spleen weight, and total leukocytes. The results of the study showed that the size of the digestive organs and immunity organ of quail in the laying period given BSF maggots and MBM were not significantly different (P<0.05) in weight percentage, relative length of the digestive organs and spleen and total leukocytes. The use of BSF maggots at a dose of 12% in feed as the main protein source does not have a negative impact on the condition of the digestive organs and immunity
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOrgan Pencernaan, Total Leukosit, dan Limpa Puyuh Periode Bertelur dengan Pemberian Maggot BSF dalam Pakanid
dc.title.alternativeDigestive Organs, Total leukocytes, and Spleen Laying Period of Quail with BSF Maggot in Feedid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBSF maggotid
dc.subject.keyworddigestive organid
dc.subject.keywordimmunity organid

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