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dc.contributor.advisorDarwati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNurrusyabah, Bhylla Malihah
dc.description.abstractSapi bali dewasa memiliki warna rambut merah bata untuk betina dan hitam pada jantan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi keragaman gen ASIP pada 5’UTR dan menganalisis keterkaitannya dengan warna rambut normal, white spotted, dan albino pada sapi bali. Sapi bali yang digunakan terdiri atas 20 ekor sapi bali warna rambut normal, 15 ekor white spotted, dan 13 ekor albino. Keragaman gen ASIP dianalisis dengan metode direct sequencing untuk mendapatkan variasi SNP. Primer yang digunakan yaitu forward 5'-AAA TCA ACA TCT CGG CTT GG-3' dan reverse 5'-AAA AGG AAA GTG CGG AGG AG-3' dengan panjang produk 420 bp. Sekuensing gen ASIP dianalisis di perusahaan 1st Base di Selangor, Malaysia. Data sekuensing dianalisis menggunakan program FinchTV, BioEdit, dan Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (MEGA) versi 7.0. Kurang lebih 94 bp (dari 420 bp) gen ASIP berhasil dianalisis dengan baik pada semua sampel sapi bali, dan tidak ada variasi (monomorfik). Hasil sekuen basa nukleotida gen ASIP 5’UTR setelah sekuens 5’-TTT TTT TTT T-3’ tidak dapat ditentukan variasi sekuennya karena mengalami duplikasi (double fix). Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa gen ASIP 5’UTR tidak dapat membedakan warna rambut normal, white spotted, dan
dc.description.abstractBali cattle have brick red hair for the females and black hair for the males. The purpose of this study was to identify the ASIP gene diversity in 5'UTR and to analyze its association with hair color in bali cattle. The bali cattle used in this experiment are 20 with normal hair color, 15 white spotted, and 13 albino. ASIP gene was analyzed with direct sequencing to obtain SNP. The primers used were forward 5'-AAA TCA ACA TCT CGG CTT GG-3' and reverse 5'-AAA AGG AAA GTG CGG AGG AG-3' with a product length of 420 bp. ASIP gene sequencing was analyzed at the 1st Base company in Selangor, Malaysia. Sequencing data were analyzed using the FinchTV, BioEdit, and MEGA programs version 7.0. Approximately 94 bp (out of 420 bp) of the ASIP gene in samples was successfully analyzed, moreover, there was no variation (monomorphic). The results of the ASIP 5'UTR gene after the sequence 5'-TTT TTT TTT T-3' could not be determined because it experienced a double fix. This study concluded that the ASIP 5'UTR gene cannot distinguish normal hair color, white spotted, and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Keragaman Gen Asip 5’UTR pada Sapi Bali Warna Rambut Normal, White Spotted, dan Albinoid
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of 5'UTR ASIP Gene Diversity in Normal Hair, White Spotted, and Albino Bali Cattleid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordASIP geneid
dc.subject.keywordbali cattleid
dc.subject.keywordcoat colorid
dc.subject.keyworddirect sequencingid

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