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dc.contributor.authorTarwinangsih, Wiwin
dc.description.abstractMitochondrial genome (mtDNA) in vertebrate is a circular double stranded DNA molecule. It has a high mutation rate and strictly maternally inherited. This research was conducted to investigate the diversity among local buffalos based on mtDNA’s control region. Samples that were used in this research were native buffalos from 10 Jawa Tengah, 12 Nusa Tenggara Barat, 10 Sumatera Utara and 12 Banten. By in vitro amplification with Polymorphism Chain Reaction method (PCR) using a pair of primer AF22 and AF23, yielded 1145 base pair long. The selected region is a segment spanning the region of end part 3’ cyt-b gene through the partial of the 3’ control region (d-loop). The PCR product was digested with four restriction enzymes, which were AluI (AG↓CT), HaeIII (GG↓CC), HinfI (G↓AnTC) and MspI (C↓CGG). Two haplotypes were detected among 44 samples. The nucleotide diversity among these haplotypes is 0,17%. Haplotype 1 found in all sample locations, while haplotype 2 was only found in one sample from Sumatera Utara. Genetically, the buffalos from Jawa Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat and Banten guessed have a same origin heredity (D = 0,000) and they have a near kinship with Sumatera Utara’s buffalo (D= 0,0061).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectmtDNA geneid
dc.subjectBubalus bubalisid
dc.titleAnalisis keragaman genetik kerbau lokal (Bubalus bubalis) berdasarkan haplotipe DNA mitokondriaid

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