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dc.contributor.advisorSeptiani, Stevia
dc.contributor.authorPrayitno, Eko Aji
dc.description.abstractTingkat penetrasi internet di dunia terus mengalami peningkatan, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Shopeefood sebagai salah satu online food delivery yang ada di Indonesia merupakan bentuk inovasi bisnis dalam pemanfaatan adanya penetrasi internet. Hal ini karena internet dapat membuat proses bisnis menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Implementasi onine food delivery masih memiliki beberapa permasalahan yang menyebabkan munculnya ketidakpuasan konsumen dan negatif word of mouth dikarenakan pengalaman layanan yang kurang baik sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik pengguna layanan shopeefood, menganalisis pengaruh electronic word of mouth terhadap customer trust dan repurchase intention. Data diperoleh dengan pendekatan non probability sampling dengan jenis convenience sampling serta diperoleh dari 241 responden pengguna shopeefood di Jabodetabek. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Jauari 2023 – Maret 2023. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara e-wom terhadap repurchase intention serta customer trust terhadap repurchase intention, sedangkan antara variabel e-wom terhadap customer trust tidak memiliki
dc.description.abstractThe level of internet penetration in the world continues to increase, and Indonesia is no exception. Shopeefood as one of the online food delivery in Indonesia is a form of business innovation in utilizing internet penetration. This is because the internet can make business processes more effective and efficient. The implementation of online food delivery still has several problems that cause consumer dissatisfaction and negative word of mouth due to previous unfavorable service experiences. This study aims to identify the characteristics of shopeefood service users, analyze the effect of electronic word of mouth on customer trust and repurchase intention. Data was obtained using a non-probability sampling approach with convenience sampling type and obtained from 241 shopeefood user respondents in Jabodetabek. Data collection was carried out in January 2023 - March 2023. The data analysis method used is SEM-PLS analysis. The results showed that there is a positive and significant influence between e-wom on repurchase intention and customer trust on repurchase intention, while the e-wom variable on customer trust has no
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePeranan E-WOM Dalam Membentuk Customer Trust dan Repurchase Intention (Studi Kasus: Shopeefood)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Role of E-WOM in Forming Customer Trust and Repurchase Intention (Case Study: Shopeefood)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer trustid
dc.subject.keywordonline food deliveryid
dc.subject.keywordrepurchase intentionid

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