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dc.contributor.advisorMutasowifin, Ali
dc.contributor.authorHermansyah, Muhamad
dc.description.abstractGlobalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan pergeseran pola perilaku berbelanja dan berinteraksi masyarakat di Indonesia. Konsep social commerce hadir sebagai inovasi yang menggabungkan kegiatan berinteraksi dan berbelanja dalam satu tempat yang sama. Tiktok Shop dan Instagram Shop sebagai platform social commerce yang memiliki peran besar dalam industri social commerce perlu untuk meninjau keefektifan preferensi minat beli masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkomparasi pengaruh social interaction dan online trust terhadap purchase intention pada Tiktok Shop dan Instagram Shop di Jabodetabek. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui data primer. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis Wilcoxon Test, dan analisis SEM-PLS dengan sampel sebanyak 196 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling jenis purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh social interaction dan online trust terhadap purchase intention secara positif dan signifikan serta terdapat pengaruh social interaction terhadap online trust secara positif dan signifikan. Juga ditemukan bahwa pengaruh online trust terhadap purchase intention pada Tiktok Shop lebih tinggi dibandingkan Instagram Shop sedangkan pengaruh social interaction terhadap purchase intention pada Tiktok Shop lebih rendah dibandingkan Instagram
dc.description.abstractGlobalization and technological advancements have led to a shift in shopping and interaction behavior patterns among Indonesian society. The concept of social commerce emerges as an innovation that combines interaction and shopping activities in one place. TikTok Shop and Instagram Shop, as prominent social commerce platforms, play a significant role in the industry and need to assess the effectiveness of consumer purchase intention preferences. This study aims to compare the influence of social interaction and online trust on purchase intention in TikTok Shop and Instagram Shop within the Greater Jakarta area. Data for this research were collected from primary sources. The data analysis employed descriptive analysis, Wilcoxon Test, and Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) with a sample of 196 respondents, utilizing non-probability purposive sampling. The research findings indicate a positive and significant impact of social interaction and online trust on purchase intention, as well as a positive and significant impact of social interaction on online trust. Furthermore, it was found that the influence of online trust on purchase intention in Tiktok Shop is higher compared to Instagram Shop, while the influence of social interaction on purchase intention in Tiktok Shop is lower compared to Instagram
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerbandingan Pengaruh Social Interaction dan Online Trust terhadap Purchase Intention pada Social Commerce Tiktok Shop dan Instagram Shopid
dc.title.alternativeComparison of the Influence of Social Interaction and Online Trust on Purchase Intention in Social Commerce TikTok Shop and Instagram Shopid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordsocial commerceid
dc.subject.keywordonline trustid
dc.subject.keywordpurchase intentionid
dc.subject.keywordsocial interactionid

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