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dc.contributor.advisorSuseno, Sugeng Heri
dc.contributor.advisorRamadhan, Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorMarhamah, Aulia Shofia Rahmatu
dc.description.abstractMinyak ikan berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi konsentrat omega-3 dengan menghilangkan komponen selain omega-3 yang kurang baik bagi kesehatan. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi metode kristalisasi suhu rendah dan kristalisasi urea melalui parameter bilangan iod dan peningkatan total asam lemak omega-3 dalam pembuatan konsentrat omega-3 ikan tuna. Pembuatan konsentrat omega-3 dilakukan dengan metode kristalisasi suhu rendah dengan perlakuan perbedaan kondisi sampel minyak ikan berupa minyak murni trigliserida dan minyak murni etil ester serta metode kristalisasi urea dengan perlakuan perbedaan rasio urea : asam lemak (v/b). Metode kristalisasi urea menghasilkan kualitas konsentrat omega-3 yang lebih baik dibandingkan metode kristalisasi suhu rendah. Rasio urea : asam lemak 2:1 mampu meningkatkan proporsi unsaturated fatty acid terhadap saturated fatty acid konsentrat omega-3 sebesar 25,17:1 dan memiliki nilai bilangan iod sebesar 495,89±70,45 g/100g serta mengalami peningkatan total asam lemak omega-3 sebesar 316,34% atau setara dengan 4,16 kali lebih tinggi dari minyak
dc.description.abstractFish oil has the potential to be developed into omega-3 concentrate by eliminating components other than omega-3 that were less beneficial for health. The research aimed to evaluate low-temperature crystallization methods and urea complexation through the iodine number parameter and the increase in total omega- 3 fatty acids in the production of tuna fish omega-3 concentrate. The production of omega-3 concentrate was carried out using the low-temperature crystallization method with different treatments of fish oil samples, including pure triglyceride oil and pure ethyl ester oil, as well as the urea crystallization method with varying ureato- fatty-acid ratios (v/w). The urea crystallization method resulted in better quality omega-3 concentrate than the low-temperature crystallization method. The ratio of urea: fatty acids 2:1 was able to increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acid concentrate omega-3 by 25.17:1 and had an iodine number value of 495.89 ± 70.45 g/100g and experienced an increase in total omega-3 fatty acids by 316.34% or equivalent to 4.16 times higher than crude
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Efektivitas Metode Kristalisasi Suhu Rendah dan Kristalisasi Urea dalam Pembuatan Konsentrat Omega-3 Ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp.)id
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of the Effectiveness of Low Temperature Crystallization Methods and Urea Crystallization in the Production of Tuna (Thunnus sp.) Omega-3
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordlow temperature crystallizationid
dc.subject.keywordtuna fish oilid
dc.subject.keywordurea crystallizationid

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