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dc.contributor.advisorRomli, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorDarmawan, Muhammad Arif
dc.contributor.authorFaradhilla, Sindhy Octaviani
dc.description.abstractPT XYZ merupakan perusahaan distributor makanan, minuman, dan bahan baku yang salah satunya mendistribusikan produk keju ke retailer PT PQR. Sebagai distributor, PT XYZ perlu memerhatikan pemborosan yang mempengaruhi lead time selama proses outbound produk keju. Lead time yang terlalu panjang perlu diminimalkan agar produk dapat dikirim tepat waktu ke pelanggan, sehingga perusahaan perlu melakukan manajemen lead time untuk mencegah keterlambatan pengiriman. Manajemen lead time dilakukan dengan lean distribution yang berasal dari lean management untuk diadaptasi ke proses outbound. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode value stream mapping (VSM). Pemetaan ke dalam VSM menghasilkan current state map dengan total waktu proses outbound sekitar 16,6 jam. Analisis dilanjutkan dengan process activity mapping yang menghasilkan temuan delapan aktivitas pemborosan pada proses outbound. Analisis dengan fishbone diagram menghasilkan akar permasalahan dari setiap aktivitas pemborosan. Solusi perbaikan untuk mengeliminasi pemborosan dirancang berdasarkan prinsip lean 5S yaitu seiri (ringkas), seiton (rapi), seiso (resik), seiketsu (rawat), dan shitsuke (rajin). Setelah dilakukan rancangan perbaikan, dihasilkan future state map dengan total waktu proses outbound sekitar 15,2 jam. Perancangan tersebut menurunkan persentase pemborosan atau aktivitas non value added dalam proses outbound dari 11% menjadi 2,
dc.description.abstractPT XYZ is a company engaged in the distribution of food, beverages, and raw materials, one of which involves distributing cheese products to the retailer PT PQR. As a distributor, PT XYZ needs to pay attention to wastage that affects the lead time during the outbound process of cheese products. The excessively long lead time needs to be minimized so that products can be delivered to customers on time, necessitating lead time management to prevent delivery delays. Lead time management is conducted through lean distribution principles derived from lean management, adapted to the outbound process. The analysis is carried out using the value stream mapping (VSM) method. Mapping into VSM results in a current state map with a total outbound process time of approximately 16.6 hours. The analysis is further continued with process activity mapping, resulting in the identification of eight wasteful activities in the outbound process. Analysis using a fishbone diagram reveals the root causes of each wasteful activity. The improvement solution to eliminate wastage is designed based on the lean 5S principles: seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain). After the improvement plan is implemented, a future state map is generated with a total outbound process time of around 15.2 hours. This design reduces the percentage of wastage or non-value-added activities in the outbound process from 11% to
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Manajemen Lead Time pada Proses Outbound Produk Keju di PT XYZid
dc.title.alternativeDesign of Lead Time Management in Cheese Product Outbound Process at PT XYZid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordlead time managementid
dc.subject.keywordlean distributionid
dc.subject.keywordoutbound processid
dc.subject.keywordvalue stream mappingid
dc.subject.keyword5S lean principlesid

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