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dc.contributor.advisorDarmawan, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorNurlaili, Rahmawati
dc.description.abstractDemi menjaga kelancaran suatu bisnis maka dibutuhkan suatu perencanaan dan pengendalian inventory yang tepat. Overstock dapat menyebabkan biaya berlebih untuk biaya penyimpanan dan biaya pemesanan. Namun, jika terjadi stockout dapat menghambat keberangsungan proses distribusi. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan perlu mengelola inventory dengan metode Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Sebelum penyusunan MRP, diperlukan kebijakan pengendalian inventory yang dilakukan dengan analisis klasifikasi produk metode ABC, penentuan safety stock dan reorder point. Ukuran lot sizing yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah pembelian dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian inventory adalah dengan teknik Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Lot for Lot (LFL), dan Periodic Order Quantity (POQ). Berdasarkan hasil analisis komparatif antara metode MRP dengan kebijakan Perusahaan, menunjukkan bahwa teknik lot sizing yang optimal adalah EOQ dan LFL. Teknik EOQ menghasilkan penghematan biaya sebesar 4,13% untuk item BM Cheese sedangkan teknik LFL sebesar 4,46% untuk item GP Cheese dan 18,59% untuk item GPid
dc.description.abstractIn order to maintain the smooth running of a business, proper inventory planning and control are needed. Overstock can cause excess costs for holding fees and ordering costs. However, if there is a stockout, it can hamper the continuity of the distribution process. Therefore, companies need to manage inventory using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. Prior to the preparation of MRP, an inventory control policy is needed, which is carried out by analyzing product classification using the ABC method and determining safety stock and reorder points. The lot sizing sizes used to determine the number of purchases in inventory planning and control are the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Lot for Lot (LFL), and Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) techniques. Based on the results of a comparative analysis between the MRP method and company policy, it shows that the optimal lot sizing technique is EOQ and LFL. The EOQ technique resulted in cost savings of 4.13% for BM Cheese items, while the LFL technique was 4.46% for GP Cheese items and 18.59% for GP
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerencanaan dan Pengendalian Inventory dengan Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Produk Keju PT XYZid
dc.title.alternativePlanning and Inventory Control using Material Requirement Planning (MRP) of Cheese Products at PT XYZid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordEOQ, Inventory, Classification, LFL, MRP, POQid

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