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dc.contributor.advisorUdin, Faqih
dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorAnindita, Marsha
dc.description.abstractPengembangan inovasi produk baru berupa minuman serbuk kesehatan berbasis meniran "Boosterio" memerlukan penyusunan strategi pemasaran yang tepat dan efektif. Pemasaran produk baru ini berfokus pada pemasaran digital sesuai tren pemasaran yang berkembang saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jenis digital marketing terbaik dalam pemasaran produk baru minuman serbuk kesehatan dengan analisis AHP, menyusun strategi pemasaran digital berdasarkan bauran pemasaran 4C, dan mengimplementasikan strategi tersebut. Kemudian dilakukan evaluasi terhadap implementasi strategi digital marketing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis digital marketing terbaik berdasarkan analisis AHP yaitu Social Media Marketing (SMM) dengan skor 0,4429. SMM dipilih menjadi prioritas jenis digital marketing terbaik untuk memasarkan produk baru minuman serbuk kesehatan ditinjau dari kriteria meningkatkan brand awareness, menaikkan penjualan, kecepatan penyebaran, dan kemudahan akses informasi. Bauran pemasaran 4C terdiri dari co-creation, currency, communal activation, dan conversation. Implementasi digital marketing menggunakan strategi SMM dengan dua platform media sosial yaitu Instagram dan TikTok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten promosi melalui media sosial dapat meningkatkan brand awareness dan ketertarikan pembelian terhadap produk minuman serbuk kesehatan "Boosterio".id
dc.description.abstractThe development of innovative new products, meniran-based healthy powder drink "Boosterio" requires the formulation of an appropriate and effective marketing strategy. The marketing of this new product focuses on digital marketing in line with current marketing trends. This study aims to determine the best type of digital marketing for promoting the new healthy powder drink product through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, develop digital marketing strategies based on the marketing mix 4C, and implement these strategies. Furthermore, an evaluation is conducted on the implementation of digital marketing strategies. The research findings indicate that the best type of digital marketing, based on AHP analysis, is Social Media Marketing (SMM) with a score of 0.4429. SMM is chosen as the priority type of digital marketing for promoting the new healthy powder drink product, considering its ability to enhance brand awareness, increase sales, facilitate rapid dissemination, and provide easy access to information. The marketing mix 4C consists of co-creation, currency, communal activation, and conversation. Implementing digital marketing utilizes SMM strategy across two social media platforms, namely Instagram and TikTok. The research results demonstrate that promotional content through social media can enhance brand awareness and generate interest in purchasing the health powder drink product "Boosterio”.id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Strategi Digital Marketing pada Pemasaran Produk Baru Minuman Serbuk Kesehatanid
dc.title.alternativeDesign Digital Marketing Strategy for the New Healthy Powder Drink Productid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddigital marketing, healthy drink, herbal, meniranid

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