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dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorAditha, Mutiah Suha
dc.description.abstractSukrosa ester merupakan surfaktan non-ionik dengan berbagai aplikasi industri. Surfaktan tersebut disintesis dari metil ester asam lemak sawit dan sukrosa menggunakan katalis basa. Pengemulsi pengganti minyak kelapa sawit berbahan ester sukrosa tersebut dapat terurai secara hayati karena potensinya tidak beracun bagi kulit. Efisiensi produksi sukrosa ester diperoleh menggunakan pelarut air pada sukrosa, perbandingan massa 3:5 untuk air dan sukrosa. Pengenceran sukrosa dengan air mengurangi potensi kegagalan yang ditimbulkan akibat karamelisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian laboratorium, sukrosa ester memiliki stabilitas emulsi yang baik berasal dari sukrosa ester miristat, sukrosa ester palmitat, sukrosa ester laurat. Desain menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan variasi konsentrasi sukrosa ester sebanyak 3 taraf, yaitu 2%, 6%, dan 10%. Berdasarkan ANOVA, terdapat pengaruh sangat nyata antara variasi konsentrasi terhadap bobot jenis, pH, viskositas, dan tegangan permukaan. Uji verifikasi dilakukan terhadap referensi konsumen berupa uji organoleptik kepada 35 responden. Lalu, uji mikroba yang berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia yaitu jumlah lempeng total maksimum 10-2 koloni, uji negatif jamur, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dan Coliform maksimum 3. Penentuan kombinasi terbaik menggunakan sistem Composite Performance Index (CPI) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Berdasarkan uji organoleptik, sampel terbaik adalah miristat 10%. Analisis hasil organoleptik selaras dengan analisis hasil laboratorium yang menyatakan bahwa sampel losion berbahan sukrosa ester miristat 10% merupakan sampel terbaik. Sampel tersebut memiliki stabilitas emulsi yang baik dan tidak tercemar
dc.description.abstractSucrose ester is a non-ionic surfactant with various industrial applications. This surfactant was synthesized from palm fatty acid methyl esters and sucrose using an alkaline catalyst. The emulsifier that replaces palm oil made from sucrose ester is biodegradable because it is potentially non-toxic to the skin. The efficiency of sucrose ester production was obtained by using water as a solvent for sucrose, with a mass ratio of 3:5 for water and sucrose. Diluting sucrose with water reduces the potential for failure caused by caramelization. Based on laboratory research, sucrose ester has good emulsion stability from sucrose myristate ester, sucrose palmitate ester, and sucrose laurate ester. The design used a randomized block design with 3 levels of variation in the concentration of sucrose ester, which are 2%, 6%, and 10%. Based on ANOVA, there is a very significant effect between variations in concentration on specific gravity, pH, viscosity, and surface tension. Verification tests were carried out on consumer references in the form of organoleptic tests on 35 respondents. Then, the microbial test is based on the Indonesian National Standard, that are maximum number of total plates (10-2 colonies), a negative test for fungi, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Coliform (maximum 3). Determination of the best combination using the system Composite Performance Index (CPI) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the organoleptic test, the best sample is 10% myristate. The analysis of the organoleptic results was consistent with the analysis of laboratory results which stated that a lotion sample made from 10% sucrose myristate ester was the best sample. The best sample has good emulsion stability and not polluted by
dc.description.sponsorshipBadan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit ( BPDPKS )id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi dan Analisis Losion Berbahan Emulsifier Sukrosa Esterid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordsucrose esterid

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