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dc.contributor.advisorAfnan, Rudi
dc.contributor.advisorUlupi, Niken
dc.contributor.authorPriambudi, Arief Nur
dc.description.abstractAyam IPB-D1 merupakan ayam lokal yang memiliki keunggulan. Sistem pemeliharaan free-range adalah model pemeliharaan yang memberikan akses lahan penggembalaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji performa ayam jantan dan betina melalui pemeliharaan di kandang bebas. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pemeliharaan sistem free-range, pembuatan pakan, dan pengamatan variabel yaitu bobot badan, kecuali konsumsi, konversi pakan, konversi pakan, mortalitas, dan pendapatan atas pakan dan biaya ayam. Penelitian menggunakan 15 ekor ayam jantan dan 15 ekor ayam betina. Ayam IPB-D1 jantan memiliki jumlah konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, mortalitas, serta indeks over feed chick and Cost ayam IPB-D1 jantan lebih tinggi dibandingkan ayam IPB-D1 betina. Terdapat perbedaan nyata pada pertambahan bobot
dc.description.abstractIPB-D1 chicken is a local chicken that has superior. The free-range rearing system is a maintenance model that provides access to grazing land other than cages as shelter. This study aimed to examine the performance of male and female chickens in free cages. The stages of the research included maintaining the freerange system, making feed, and observing variables, namely body weight, except for consumption, feed conversion, feed conversion, mortality, and income from feed and chicken costs. The study used 15 male chickens and 15 female chickens. IPB D1 male chickens had higher feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, and mortality than female IPB D1 chickens. Body weight gain had significant differences in male and female IPB D1 chickens. The value of the over feed chick index and the cost of IPB D1 male chickens was higher than the female IPB D1
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKinerja Ayam IPB-D1 Jantan dan Betina pada Pemeliharaan Sistem
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfree-range, IPB-D1 chicken, performanceid
dc.subject.keywordIPB-D1 chickenid

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