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dc.contributor.advisorIbrahim, Bustami
dc.contributor.advisorHardiningtyas, Safrina Dyah
dc.contributor.authorWinarsih, Dwi
dc.description.abstractPlastik telah menjadi salah satu penyumbang sampah terutama di lingkungan perairan. Penggunaan plastik sebagai kemasan telah menjadi gaya hidup di banyak negara yang memicu kebutuhan plastik yang cukup tinggi. Pembuatan bioplastik berbasis agar masih memiliki sifat fisik yang kurang baik seperti kaku dan kurang elastis. Penambahan material lain seperti kitosan dan sorbitol diharapkan dapat memperbaiki sifat bioplastik yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formula terbaik dari campuran kitosan dan agar sebagai bahan pembuatan bioplastik dengan jumlah plasticizer sorbitol yang berbeda serta mengetahui karakteristik sifat fisikokimia material bioplastik yang dihasilkan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pencampuran kitosan, agar, dan sorbitol (0%, 1%, 1,25%, dan 1,5%), pencetakan bioplastik dan karakterisasi bioplastik. Karakterisasi bioplastik meliputi uji ketebalan, uji kuat tarik dan elongasi, daya serap air, analisis gugus fungsi dengan Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy, dan uji degradasi. Bioplastik dengan formula terbaik yaitu perlakuan 1,25% yang menghasilkan nilai ketebalan 0,096±0,004 mm, daya serap air 18,80±0,94%, kuat tarik 18,83±2,93 MPa, dan elongasi 95,89±12,62%. Waktu yang diperlukan bioplastik 1,25% untuk terdegradasi sempurna yaitu selama 20
dc.description.abstractPlastic has become one of the contributors to waste, especially in the aquatic environment. The use of plastic as packaging has become a lifestyle in many countries which triggers a high demand for plastic. The manufacture of agar-based bioplastics still has poor physical properties such as stiffness and lack of elasticity. The addition of other materials such as chitosan and sorbitol are expected to improve the properties of the bioplastics produced. This study aims to determine the best formula for the mixture of chitosan and agar as a bioplastic material with different amounts of sorbitol plasticizer and to determine the characteristics of the physicochemical properties of the resulting bioplastic material. The research stages included mixing chitosan, agar, and sorbitol (0%, 1%, 1.25%, and 1.5%), bioplastic molding and bioplastic characterization. Bioplastic characterization includes thickness test, tensile strength and elongation test, water absorption, functional group analysis with Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy and degradation test. Bioplastics with the best formula was 1.25% treatment which produces a thickness value of 0.096±0.004 mm, water absorption of 18.80±0.94%, tensile strength of 18.83±2.93 MPa, and elongation of 95.89±12.62%. The time required for 1.25% bioplastic to degrade completely was 20
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik Bioplastik Berbasis Kitosan-Agar dengan Penambahan Jumlah Sorbitol yang Berbeda sebagai Plasticizerid
dc.title.alternativeCharacteristics of Chitosan-Agar Based Bioplastics with the Addition of Different Amounts of Sorbitol as a Plasticizerid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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