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dc.contributor.advisorRamadhan, Wahyu
dc.contributor.advisorTarman, Kustiariyah
dc.contributor.authorYanti, Mega Dwi
dc.descriptionTugas akhir tidak segera ditampilkan direpository, untuk surat permohonannya akan dikirim. terima kasihid
dc.description.abstractMinuman rumput laut yang banyak diteliti sebelumnya hanya mengandung satu unsur rumput laut dan belum menggunakan tambahan rempah lokal. Manfaat kesehatan dan senyawa bioaktif pada Sargassum sp., bunga telang dan kayu secang berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai minuman fungsional ready to drink. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula minuman fungsional berbasis Sargassum sp., bunga telang, dan kayu secang, sehingga didapatkan formula minuman yang mengandung antioksidan dan memiliki penerimaan sensori yang baik, serta memprediksi stabilitas minuman selama penyimpanan. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari formulasi minuman fungsional dan pengujian kestabilan mutu. Hasil uji hedonik menunjukkan perlakuan komposisi Sargassum sp. berpengaruh nyata terhadap kesukaan panelis pada parameter rasa dan aroma. Formula F1 (jahe) memiliki tingkat penerimaan tertinggi dari panelis. Formula F1 memiliki nilai aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 9,93 ppm. Penyimpanan pada suhu ruang dan suhu chilling serta penambahan natrium benzoat dan natrium metabisulfit berpengaruh terhadap kestabilan mutu minuman fungsional selama
dc.description.abstractThe seaweed drink that has been studied previously only possesses one element of seaweed and has not used additional local spices. The health benefits and bioactive compounds in Sargassum sp., butterfly pea flower, and secang wood have the potential to be mixed as ready-to-drink functional drinks. The study aimed to develop a mix-functional drink formula based on Sargassum sp., butterfly pea flower, and sappan wood, to obtain a drink formula that contains antioxidants and has good sensory acceptance, and evaluate the stability of the drink during storage. The stages of the research consisted of making functional drink formulations and analyzing quality stability. The hedonic test results showed that the composition of Sargassum sp. had a significant effect on the preference of panelists on the parameters of taste and aroma. F1 Formula (ginger) has the highest acceptance rate from the panelists. F1 formula had an antioxidant activity value of 9.93 ppm. Storage condition at room temperature and chilling temperature and the addition of sodium benzoate and sodium metabisulfite affected the stability of the quality of functional drinks during
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi (LKST) IPBid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi dan Kestabilan Minuman Fungsional Berbasis Rumput Laut Cokelat (Sargassum sp.), Bunga Telang, dan Kayu Secangid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfunctional drinkid

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