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dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Jono Mintarto
dc.contributor.authorRahmat, Muhamad Zidan
dc.description.abstractKonsumsi pangan organik di dunia terus mengalami kenaikan. Berbagai macam faktor berperan dalam peningkatan tersebut. Salah satunya adalah harga. Di samping itu, harga masih menjadi perbedaan terhadap purchase intention pangan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab persoalan mengenai korelasi harga dan purchase intention dengan metode meta-analisis dengan model continuous random effect. Sebanyak 2.421 judul berhasil dijangkau dari 3 databases. Hanya 18 artikel yang layak dengan total 18 studi. Penelitian ini berhasil memberikan informasi bahwa korelasi antara harga dengan purchase intention tidak signifikan dan sangat lemah baik harga dalam bentuk price (r = 0,036) , price consciousness (r = -0,027) maupun perceived price (r = 0,045). Selain itu, hasil dari subgroup analysis melaporkan studi untuk jenis pangan berupa pangan organik secara umum pada variabel percieved price termasuk signifikan. Variabel moderator lain yaitu asal benua, studi yang melaporkan Benua Asia pada variabel price juga signifikan sedangkan untuk variabel moderator jenis kelamin tidak ada yang signifikanid
dc.description.abstractConsumption of organic food in the world continues to increase. Various factors played a role in this increase. One of them is price. In addition, the price is still different from the purchase intention of organic food. This study aims to answer the question of price correlation and purchase intention with a meta-analysis method with a continuous random effect model. A total of 2,421 titles were obtained from 3 databases. Only 18 articles were eligible for a total of 18 studies. This study succeeded in providing information that the correlation between price and purchase intention was insignificant and very weak, both in the form of price (r = 0.036), price consciousness (r = -0.027), and perceived price (r = 0.045). In addition, the results of the subgroup analysis report the study for the type of food in the form of organic food in general, the perceived price variable is significant. Another moderating variable is the continental origin, studies reporting on the Asian continent on the price variable are also significant, while for the gender moderator variable there is no significant oneid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Harga Terhadap Purchase Intention Pangan Organik: Kajian Meta-Analysisid
dc.title.alternativeThe Effect of Price on Purchase Intention of Organic Food: A Meta-Analysis Studyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcontinuous random effectid
dc.subject.keywordcorrelation coefficientid
dc.subject.keywordhealthy foodid
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to buyid

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