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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Budi
dc.contributor.authorAziza, Arnita Rahmawaty
dc.description.abstractPeran "Generasi-Z" (kelahiran tahun 1997–2012) sebagai bonus demografi bagi Indonesia membutuhkan pengembangan kapasitas kompetensi produktif, termasuk dalam berinvestasi, sebagai tantangan. Permasalahannya, berbagai riset masih menunjukkan bahwa keputusan berinvestasi oleh generasi muda Indonesia tersebut masih mengalami berbagai kendala, baik dalam motivasi, literasi dan perilakunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh motivasi, literasi, dan perilaku. Apakah dugaan perilaku herding (ikut-ikutan) terjadi pada Generasi Z dan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jabodetabek pada bulan Februari – Agustus 2022. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 137 responden dengan mengunakan pendekatan purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan ialah analisis deskriptif dan SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi investasi, literasi keuangan, dan dugaan perilaku herding berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan investasi. Literasi keuangan bersifat prediktor moderasi dalam menurunkan pengaruh perilaku herding terhadap keputusan
dc.description.abstractThe development of productive competence capacity, including investing, is a challenge given the role of "Generation-Z" (birth years 1997–2012) as a demographic bonus for Indonesia. The issue is that numerous studies continue to demonstrate that the young people of Indonesia still face a number of challenges when making investment decisions, including challenges with motivation, literacy, and behavior. The purpose of this study is to find and examine the relationship between behavior, literacy, and motivation. Do members of Generation Z exhibit the reported herding behavior, which may influence financial decisions. This research was conducted in Jabodetabek from February to August 2022. This study used the purposive sampling method and 137 respondents in total. Descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS are the method employed. The findings of this study suggest that investing motivation, financial literacy, and herding behavior have a considerable favorable impact on investment decisions. Financial literacy is a moderating predictor in lowering the impact of herding behavior on investing
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeputusan Investasi oleh Investor Pemula Berdasarkan Motivasi, Literasi dan Perilaku (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa JABODETABEK)id
dc.title.alternativeInvestment Decisions by Beginner Investors based on Motivation, Literacy and Behavior (Case Study of JABODETABEK Students)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordinvestment literacyid
dc.subject.keywordfinancial literacyid
dc.subject.keywordinvestment decisionsid
dc.subject.keywordinvestment motivationid

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