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dc.contributor.advisorRaharja, Sapta
dc.contributor.advisorPermatasari, Niken Ayu
dc.contributor.authorFitra, Ihza Ramadhanni
dc.description.abstractUMK Agroindustri memiliki kelemahan dalam memperoleh inovasi dan teknologi karena tidak memiliki akses pada lembaga yang menghasilkan inovasi dan teknologi. Salah satu lembaga memiliki kinerja inovasi yang tinggi bidang agroindustri adalah Departemen TIN IPB. Dalam konsep sistem inovasi ini dirancang unit yang memiliki peran perantara antara TIN dengan UMK Agroindustri. Unit perantara ini disebut Unit Akselerasi Inovasi yang berfungsi melakukan transfer teknologi sehingga terciptanya ko-kreasi TIN dengan UMK Agroindustri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan harapan Departemen TIN IPB dan UMK Agroindustri dalam proses akselerasi inovasi, (2) Menyusun rancangan model bisnis dan proses bisnis Unit Akselerasi Inovasi, (3) Menganalisis studi kelayakan model bisnis Unit Akselerasi Inovasi berdasarkan aspek teknik, teknologi, manajemen dan hukum. Hasil analisis menunjukkan permasalahan UMK Agroindustri pada bidang pemasaran, manajemen finansial, teknologi produksi, perizinan, formulasi produk, kemasan, bahan baku, umur simpan dan limbah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, bentuk transfer teknologi yang dapat diterapkan TIN yaitu konsultasi, pendampingan dan pelatihan. Hasil rancangan model bisnis dan proses bisnis Unit Akselerasi Inovasi tergambar pada BMC dan BPMN. Hasil analisis kelayakan model bisnis adalah layak dijalankan berdasarkan aspek teknik, teknologi, manajemen dan
dc.description.abstractAgroindustry MSEs have weaknesses in obtaining innovation and technology because they do not have access to institutions that produce innovation and technology. One of the institutions that has a high innovation performance in the field of agroindustry is the Department of TIN IPB. In the concept of this innovation system, a unit is designed that has an intermediary role between TIN and Agroindustry MSEs. This intermediary unit is called the Innovation Acceleration Unit which functions to transfer technology so as to create TIN co-creations with Agroindustry MSEs. This study aims to: (1) Identify the problems and expectations of the Department of TIN IPB and UMK Agroindustry in the innovation acceleration process, (2) Develop business model designs and business processes for the Innovation Acceleration Unit, (3) Analyze the feasibility study of the Innovation Acceleration Unit business model based on aspects engineering, technology, management and law. The results of the analysis show the problems of Agroindustry MSEs in the fields of marketing, financial management, production technology, licensing, product formulation, packaging, raw materials, shelf life and waste. Based on this, the forms of technology transfer that can be applied by TIN are consultation, mentoring and training. The results of the business model design and business processes of the Innovation Acceleration Unit are reflected in the BMC and BPMN. The results of the feasibility analysis of the business model are feasible based on technical, technological, management and legal aspectsid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleUnit Akselerasi Inovasi Departemen TIN IPB sebagai Penunjang Transfer Teknologi bagi UMK Agroindustriid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfeasibility analysisid
dc.subject.keywordinnovation accelerationid

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