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dc.contributor.advisorCahyadi, Eko Ruddy
dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Aisyah Nur
dc.description.abstractThe high rate of Covid-19 cases led to a decrease in the number of tourist visits and state revenue in the Indonesian tourism sector by 20.7 billion. The tourism sector's contribution to Indonesia's GDP in 2021 was only 4.2% after the previous year of the pandemic reached 4.7%. Virtual Reality (VR) is an option for traveling during a pandemic. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of tourists, willingness to pay, and the factors that influence the willingness to pay of tourists on the use of VR. The sample of this study was 115 respondents who had visited Malang Night Paradise and were interested in using VR in Adventure Land. Data analysis using descriptive analysis, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM): bidding games & open-ended method, as well as multiple linear regression. The results showed that the characteristics of tourists were dominated by young people. The maximum price that respondents are willing to pay is IDR 26,772/ticket and the optimal price was obtained at IDR 19,295/ticket. This price is lower than the current ticket price, which is IDR 20,000. The factors that have a positive/negative and significant effect on the value of WTP are education, monthly income/pocket money, gender, and marital
dc.description.abstractTingkat kasus Covid-19 yang tinggi menyebabkan penurunan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan dan pendapatan negara di sektor pariwisata Indonesia sebesar Rp20,7 miliar. Kontribusi sektor pariwisata terhadap PDB Indonesia pada tahun 2021 hanya sebesar 4,2% setelah di tahun sebelum pandemi mencapai 4,7%. Virtual Reality (VR) menjadi pilihan berwisata di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karakteristik wisatawan, kesediaan membayar, dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi willingness to pay wisatawan terhadap penggunaan VR. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 115 responden yang pernah berkunjung ke Malang Night Paradise dan tertarik dengan penggunaan VR di Wahana Adventure Land. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM): bidding games & open ended method, serta regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik wisatawan yang didominasi oleh kalangan muda. Harga maksimal yang bersedia responden bayarkan sebesar Rp26.772/tiket dan harga optimal diperoleh sebesar Rp19.295/tiket. Harga tersebut lebih kecil dibandingkan harga tiket saat ini, yaitu Rp20.000. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh positif/negatif dan signifikan terhadap nilai WTP adalah pendidikan, pendapatan/uang saku per bulan, jenis kelamin, dan status
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePreferensi dan Willingness to Pay Wisatawan Terhadap Virtual Reality Tourism di Malang Night Paradise Pasca Pandemiid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcontingent valuation method, virtual reality tourism, willingness to payid
dc.subject.keywordcontingent valuation method, virtual reality tourism, willingness to payid

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