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dc.contributor.advisorUlfah, Maria
dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Sofjan
dc.contributor.authorMaulana, Reza
dc.descriptionSehubungan dengan rencana publikasi materi dari skripsi kami di jurnal, maka bersama ini kami mengajukan permohonan kepada pihak perpustakaan IPB University agar tidak mempublikasikan skripsi kami kepada masayarakat umumid
dc.description.abstractFast-feathering KUB2 (KUB2ff) chicken is one of breed of Indonesia local chickens, selected for egg production, which has had potential to be improved further. Egg production capacity more or less is influenced by the growth pattern of its juvenile. Therefore, base data and growth pattern of the breed is necessary in order to predict growth at certain ages. The study was aimed to evaluate growth pattern of KUB2ff chicken at the ages of 1-8 week, managed under different litter cage densities (K1: 9 chicks/m-2 , K2: 14 chicks/m-2 dan K3:15 chicks/m-2 ). The research was conducted at Sumber Unggas Indonesia Farm, at Bogor, West Java. Variables observed were gain of bodyweight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and loss. Gompertz growth model was used to predict growth pattern of KUB2ff chicken. Results showed that cage density significantly affected (P<0.05) bodyweight, bodyweight gain. and, but not feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and population loss (P>0.05). The highest bodyweight gain was showed by group of chickens at age of 6-8 weeks, managed under K2 (density of 14 chicks/m2 ). Feed conversion ratio of group in K3 was lower than the group in K1 and K2. Growth pattern of KUB2ff chickens under low density cage was faster than of KUB2ff under high density cage. At the age of 1-8 weeks, all the groups did not show the inflection point, indicating that the chicken was still in starting growing period. The research concluded that cage density influenced 8-week bodyweight, 6-8- bodyweight gain of the KUB2ff chicken, but not feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and loss, whilst growth of the chicken at the age of 1-8 weeks did not show an inflection point. It is suggested to do further research to see inflection point of the growth curve of the KUB2ff chickenid
dc.description.abstractAyam KUB-2 berbulu-cepat (KUB2bc), merupakan salah satu bangsa ayam lokal Indonesia yang sudah diseleksi untuk produksi telur, namun masih memungkinkan produksi telurnya untuk ditingkatkan. Kapasitas produksi telur sedikit banyak dipengaruhi pola pertumbuhan masa mudanya (juvenile). Oleh karena itu, untuk pengembangan pemuliaan lebih lanjut, diperlukan data dasar pola pertumbuhan untuk memprediksi bobot badan pada umur-umur tertentu. Penelitian ini mengkaji pola pertumbuhan ayam KUB2bc umur 1-8 minggu yang dipelihara dalam kandang litter dengan kepadatan kendang yang berbeda (K1: 9 ekor/m2 , K2: 14 ekor/m2 dan K3:15 ekor/m2 ). Penelitian dilakukan di PT Sumber Unggas Indonesia, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan, dan kehilangan populasi (loss). Model Gompertz non linier digunakan untuk memprediksi pola pertumbuhan ayam KUB2bc. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kepadatan kandang berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap bobot badan umur 8 minggu dan pertambahan bobot badan umur 6-8 minggu. Kepadatan kandang tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan dan kehilangan populasi (loss). Pertambahan bobot badan paling tinggi pada umur 6-8 minggu ditunjukkan oleh kelompok ayam pada K2. Konversi pakan kelompok ayam pada K3 lebih rendah dari pada K1 dan K2. Pola pertumbuhan ayam KUB2bc dalam kandang dengan kepadatan rendah, lebih cepat dari pada dalam kandang dengan kepadatan lebih tinggi. Ayam KUB2bc pada umur 1-8 minggu belum mencapai titik belok (infleksi) untuk semua perlakuan, yang menunjukkan bahwa ayam masih dalam laju pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepadatan kandang berpengaruh terhadap bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan. Konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan dan kehilangan populasi (loss) tidak dipengaruhi oleh kepadatan kandang. Pertumbuhan ayam KUB2bc umur 1-8 minggu belum mencapai titik belok (infleksi) sehingga ayam KUB2bc masih dalam masa pertumbuhan pemula (starter). Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk melihat titik infleksi pada kurva pertumbuhan ayam KUB2bcid
dc.description.abstractFast-feathering KUB2 (KUB2ff) chicken is one of breed of Indonesia local chickens, selected for egg production, which has had potential to be improved further. Egg production capacity more or less is influenced by the growth pattern of its juvenile. Therefore, base data and growth pattern of the breed is necessary in order to predict growth at certain ages. The study was aimed to evaluate growth pattern of KUB2ff chicken at the ages of 1-8 week, managed under different litter cage densities (K1: 9 chicks/m-2 , K2: 14 chicks/m-2 dan K3:15 chicks/m-2 ). The research was conducted at Sumber Unggas Indonesia Farm, at Bogor, West Java. Variables observed were gain of bodyweight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and loss. Gompertz growth model was used to predict growth pattern of KUB2ff chicken. Results showed that cage density significantly affected (P<0.05) bodyweight, bodyweight gain. and, but not feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and population loss (P>0.05). The highest bodyweight gain was showed by group of chickens at age of 6-8 weeks, managed under K2 (density of 14 chicks/m2 ). Feed conversion ratio of group in K3 was lower than the group in K1 and K2. Growth pattern of KUB2ff chickens under low density cage was faster than of KUB2ff under high density cage. At the age of 1-8 weeks, all the groups did not show the inflection point, indicating that the chicken was still in starting growing period. The research concluded that cage density influenced 8-week bodyweight, 6-8- bodyweight gain of the KUB2ff chicken, but not feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and loss, whilst growth of the chicken at the age of 1-8 weeks did not show an inflection point. It is suggested to do further research to see inflection point of the growth curve of the KUB2ff chickenid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePola Pertumbuhan Ayam Kub-2 Berbulu Cepat (Fast Feathering) Umur 1-8 Minggu yang dipelihara dengan dengan Kepadatan Kandang Berbedaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordKUB2ff chickenid
dc.subject.keywordcage densityid
dc.subject.keywordgrowth patternid

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