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dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Ade Irma Suryani
dc.description.abstractInner part of cassava peel is one of agriculture by product that can use as alternative feed in farm. Cassava peel has anti nutrition that called HCN, which limited factor to utilization. Feed is one of factor that influence meat quality, therefore it contents should be understand that is nutrition or anti nutrition. Physical properties of meat are important factor which determined in meat quality. This research was conducted to observed physical properties of thin tailed ram sheep’s meat which gave forage (Brachiaria humidicola) and cassava peel by differ level. This research used twelve thin tailed rams sheep under one year old with average body weight 19.06 ± 1.46 kg. The dietary treatments divided in four differ level of forage and cassava peel, included: 100% Brachiaria humidicola, 80% Brachiaria humidicola with 20% cassava peel, 60% Brachiaria humidicola with 40% cassava peel and 40% Brachiaria humidicola with 60% cassava peel. The variable observed tenderness, cooking loss, water holding capacity and pH value. The experiment design was randomize complete block design and the data analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the experiment treatments have not significant effects (P>0.05). It concluded that cassava peel is able to be utilized as combination with Brachiaria humidicola up to 60% in level of ransom for sheep and it not influence meat quality by physical properties. Keywords: Thin Tailed Ram Sheep’s Meat, Cassava Peel, Physical Properties and Brachiaria humidicolaid
dc.titleSifat Fisik Daging Domba Ekor Tipis Jantan Yang Diberi Ransum Dengan Berbagai Level Penambahan Kulit Singkongid

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