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dc.contributor.advisorIsmayana, Andes
dc.contributor.authorTinendung, Iman Sary
dc.description.abstractIndustri tahu merupakan salah satu industri kecil yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan karena adanya limbah dan loss pada proses produksi sehingga dilakukan peluang penerapan produksi bersih pada industri tahu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi limbah dan peluang produksi bersih, menganalisis kelayakan dan menentukan prioritas peluang produksi bersih yang dihasilkan. Tahap penelitian yang digunakan adalah tahap quick scan, identifikasi masalah, dan penentuan peluang produksi bersih, melakukan analisis kelayakan secara teknis, lingkungan dan ekonomi (B/C Ratio dan PBP), dan menentukan prioritas penerapan produksi bersih melalui Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial. Proses pembuatan tahu terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu perendaman, pencucian, penggilingan dan penyaringan, pemasakan, penggumpalan, penyaringan, pencetakan, pengepresan dan pemotongan. Limbah yang terbentuk diakibatkan oleh adanya ceceran kedelai dan ceceran air selama proses produksi berlangsung. Alternatif produksi bersih adalah (1) menerapkan Good Manufacturing Practice (PBP 0,2 tahun, B/C 3,6) (2) memanfaatkan whey tahu menjadi nata de soya (PBP 0,37 tahun, B/C 3,9) (3) Recycle air pencucian dan perendaman (PBP 0,49 tahun, B/C 2,49 (4) pemanfaatan limbah cair menjadi biogas (PBP 0,28 tahun, B/C 6,48). Prioritas utama sebagai penerapan peluang produksi bersih adalah penerapan GMP, karena dianggap mudah untuk diterapkan dibandingkan dengan alternative lainnya. Kata kunci: MPE, produksi bersih, periode pengembalian modal, B/C ratio, tahuid
dc.description.abstractThe tofu industry is one of the small industries that can cause environmental pollution due to waste and loss in the production process, so a opportunities for clean production in the tofu industry is carried out. This study aims to identify waste and clean production opportunities, analyze the feasibility and determine the priority of the resulting clean production opportunities. The research phase used is a quick scan, problem identification, and determination of clean production opportunities, conducting technical, environmental and economic feasibility analysis (B/C Ratio and PBP), and determining priorities for implementing clean production through the Exponential Comparison Method. Making tofu consists of several stages, namely soaking, washing, grinding and filtering, cooking, clumping, filtering, printing, pressing and cutting. The waste formed is caused by the spilt soybeans and water spills during the production process. Alternatives for cleaner production are (1) applying Good Manufacturing Practices (PBP 0.2 years, B/C 3.6) (2) utilizing tofu whey into nata de soya (PBP 0.37 years, B/C 3.9) ( 3) Recycle washing and soaking water (PBP 0.49 years, B/C 2.49 (4) utilization of liquid waste into biogas (PBP 0.28 years, B/C 6.48). The main priority for clean production opportunities is the use of whey into nata de soya, because it is considered easy to implement compared to other alternatives. Keywords: B/C ratio, MPE, net production, payback period,
dc.publisherIman Sary Tinendungid
dc.titlePeluang Penerapan Produksi Bersih pada Industri Tahu di Kabupaten Dairiid
dc.title.alternativeOpportunities for Application of Cleaner Production in the Tofu Industry in Dairi Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordB/C ratioid
dc.subject.keywordnet productionid
dc.subject.keywordpayback periodid
dc.subject.keywordThe tofu industry is one of the small industries that can cause environmental pollution due to waste and loss in the production process, so a opportunities for clean production in the tofu industry is carried out. This study aims to identify waste and clean production opportunities, analyze the feasibility and determine the priority of the resulting clean production opportunities. The research phase used is a quick scan, problem identification, and determination of clean production opportunities, conducting technical, environmental and economic feasibility analysis (B/C Ratio and PBP), and determining priorities for implementing clean production through the Exponential Comparison Method. Making tofu consists of several stages, namely soaking, washing, grinding and filtering, cooking, clumping, filtering, printing, pressing and cutting. The waste formed is caused by the spilt soybeans and water spills during the production process. Alternatives for cleaner production are (1) applying Good Manufacturing Practices (PBP 0.2 years, B/C 3.6) (2) utilizing tofu whey into nata de soya (PBP 0.37 years, B/C 3.9) ( 3) Recycle washing and soaking water (PBP 0.49 years, B/C 2.49 (4) utilization of liquid waste into biogas (PBP 0.28 years, B/C 6.48). The main priority for clean production opportunities is the use of whey into nata de soya, because it is considered easy to implement compared to other alternatives. Keywords: B/C ratio, MPE, net production, payback period,

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