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dc.contributor.advisorJacoeb, Agoes Mardiono
dc.contributor.advisorNurilmala, Mala
dc.contributor.authorMunawaroh, Siti Fatimatul
dc.descriptionTugas akhir ini dimohon untuk tidak diterbitkan atau ditampilkan di repository IPB karena masih akan di buat hak paten sehingga tidak diterbitkan dahuluid
dc.description.abstractKulit ikan patin sangat potensial menjadi sumber gelatin, namun proses pretreatment yang dilakukan belum maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan perbandingan NaOH dan sampel dalam proses preatreatment, serta karakteristik fisik-kimia gelatin kulit ikan patin. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan uji lanjut Duncan. Karakteristik gelatin yang telah sesuai dengan standar GMIA 2019 dan SNI 8622-2018. Perlakuan terbaik didapatkan pada perlakuan perbandingan 1:8 (b/v). Perlakuan tersebut menghasilkan rendemen 22,66 ± 1,07%; pH 6,43 ± 0,14; viskositas 67,5 ± 1,50 mps; dan kekuatan gel 244,143 ± 1,69 bloom. Perlakuan tersebut diaplikasikan dalam pembuatan cangkang kapsul keras. Karakteristik cangkang kapsul keras yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan standar Departemen Kesehatan RI (2020). Analisis histologi menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan yang digunakan belum mampu menghancurkan lapisan stratum compactum, sehingga perlu dilakukan treatment dengan cara lain agar rendemen gelatin yang dihasilkan
dc.description.abstractPangasius skin has the potential to be a source of gelatin, but the process of pretreatment is not optimal. The purpose of this research was to determine the ratio of NaOH and samples in the process of the pre-treatment, as well as physicochemical characteristics of gelatin from catfish skin. The method used was Completely Randomized Design and Duncan's further test. Gelatin characteristics that are in accordance with the GMIA 2019 standard and SNI 8622-2018. The best treatment was obtained at a 1:8 (w/v) comparison treatment. This treatment resulted in a yield of 22.66 ± 1.07%; pH 6.43 ± 0.14; viscosity 67.5 ± 1.50 mps; and gel strength 244.143 ± 1.69 bloom. This treatment was applied in the manufacture of hard capsule shells. The characteristics of the hard capsule shell produced meet the standards of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2020). Histological analysis showed that the treatment used had not been able to destroy the layer stratum compactum, so it was necessary to do other treatments in order to maximize the yield of
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Perbandingan NaOH pada Pretreatment Kulit Patin (Pangasius hypophthalamus) terhadap Gelatin dan Aplikasinya pada Cangkang Kapsul Kerasid
dc.title.alternativeEffect of NaOH Comparison on Patin Skin Pretreatment (Pangasius hypophthalamus) on Gelatin and Its Application on Hard Capsule Shellsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordhard capsuleid

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