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dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorMattjik, Naufal Rais
dc.description.abstractKonsumsi tepung terigu semakin meningkat sebagai bahan penyalut produk gorengan. Namun, tepung terigu merupakan tepung yang mengandung gluten dan dapat menyebabakan beberapa penyakit jika konsumsinya berlebihan. Peran tepung terigu sebagai penyalut gorengan dapat digantikan dengan tepung bumbu non gluten. Sebagai produk pangan, tepung bumbu harus diketahui umur simpannya untuk keamanan konsumen. Pendugaan umur simpan dilakukan dengan metode Accelerated Shelf-Life Test (ASLT), dilakukan dengan memodifikasi suhu dan kelembaban ruang agar produk yang disimpan dapat cepat rusak. Pendugaan umur simpan tepung bumbu dilakukan dengan metode kadar air kritis menggunakan persamaan Labuza. Variabel yang digunakan antara lain kadar air awal, kadar air kritis, kadar air kesetimbangan, slope kurva ISA, permeabilitas kemasan, luas kemasan, berat padatan per kemasan, dan tekanan uap air jenuh pada suhu penyimpanan. Kurva ISA yang didapatkan pada penelitian berbentuk sigmoid atau sama dengan Kurva ISA tipe II yang banyak ditemukan pada produk pangan. Nilai Mean Relative Determination (MRD) terkecil pada pemodelan Hasley 3,74. Pendugaan umur simpan dilakukan pada RH 75, 84, dan 89% menggunakan kadar air kritis percobaan dan kadar air kritis berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dengan beberapa jenis kemasan antara lain PP 02, PP 03, dan alumunium foil. Hasil perhitungan umur simpan tepung bumbu gorengan pada penyimpanan kelembaban relatif 75, 84, dan 89% menggunakan kadar air kritis SNI dengan kemasan PP 02 secara berturut-turut selama 95, 49, 35 hari, dengan kemasan PP 03 selama 143, 74, 54 hari, dan dengan kemasan alumunium foil selama 641, 333, 242
dc.description.abstractConsumption of wheat flour is increasing as a coating of fried products. However, wheat flour is a flour that contains gluten and can cause some diseases if its consumption is excessive. The role of wheat flour as a fried coating can be replaced with non-gluten seasoning flour. As a food product, seasoning flour should be known its shelf life for consumer safety. Estimation of shelf life is done by Accelerated Shelf-Life Test (ASLT) method, done by modifying the room temperature and humidity conditions so that the stored products can be quickly damaged. Seasoning flour is a food product whose main damage is due to the absorption of water vapor. Estimating the shelf life of seasoning flour is done by critical water content method using Labuza equation. The parameters used include initial moisture content, critical moisture content, equilibrium water content, ISA curve slope, packaging area, packaging permeability, solid weight per package, and saturated water vapor pressure at storage temperature. The ISA curve obtained in the study is in the form of sigmoid or the same as the ISA curve type II that is found in food products. The smallest Mean Relative Determination (MRD) value is obtained in Hasley modeling 3,74. The restoration of shelf life was carried out at RH 75, 84, and 89% using experimental critical water content and critical water content based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) with several types of packaging including PP 02, PP 03, and aluminum foil. The results of the calculation of the shelf life of fried spice flour in the storage of relative humidity 75, 84, and 89% use the critical water content of SNI with PP 02 packaging in a row for 95, 49, 35 days, with PP 03 packaging for 143, 74, 54 days, and with aluminum foil packaging for 641, 333, 242
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePendugaan Umur Simpan Tepung Bumbu Gorengan dengan Metode Akselerasi Pendekatan Kadar Air Kritisid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordKadar airid
dc.subject.keywordKelembaban relatifid
dc.subject.keywordTepung bumbuid
dc.subject.keywordUmur simpanid

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