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dc.contributor.advisorDarwati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, Moh Wahyu
dc.description.abstractSapi madura merupakan salah satu sapi lokal Indonesia yang memiliki keunggulan daya adaptasi yang baik terhadap lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji populasi sapi madura di Kecamatan Burneh Kabupaten Bangkalan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sapi madura di Desa Arok, Desa Perreng dan Kelurahan Tunjung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan purposive sampling. Variabel yang dihitung dalam penelitian yaitu jumlah sapi jantan (Nm), jumlah sapi betina (Nf), jumlah sapi jantan dan betina muda, jumlah pedet jantan dan betina, ukuran populasi aktual (Na), ukuran populasi efektif (Ne), dan laju inbreeding (ΔF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah populasi sapi madura di Kecamatan Burneh sebanyak 272 ekor, dengan struktur populasi sapi madura jantan dewasa sebanyak 8 ekor (2,94%), betina dewasa sebanyak 208 ekor (76,47%), jantan muda sebanyak 3 ekor (1,10%), betina muda sebanyak 16 ekor (5,88%), anak jantan sebanyak 12 ekor (4,41%) dan anak betina sebanyak 25 ekor (9,19%). Ukuran populasi aktual (Na) sapi madura adalah 216 ekor. Ukuran populasi efektif (Ne) sapi madura adalah 30 ekor. Laju inbreeding sapi madura di Kecamatan Burneh adalah 1,
dc.description.abstractMadura cattle is one of the Indonesia’s local cattle that have been the advantage of good adaptability to their environment. This study aims to examine the population of madura cattle in Burneh sub-district, Bangkalan district. The samples used in the research were madura cattle in Arok village, Perreng village and Tunjung urban village. This research conducted was survey method with purposive sampling. The variables were calculated in the study, namely the number of bulls (Nm), number of cows (Nf), number of bulls and heifer, number of male and female calves, actual population size (Na), effective population size (Ne), and the rate of inbreeding (ΔF). The results showed that the total population of madura cattle in Burneh sub-district is 272 heads of cattle, with a population structure of 8 bulls (2,94%), 208 cow (76,47%), 3 bulls (1,10%), 16 heifer (5,88%), 12 male calves (4,41%) and 25 female calves (9,19%). The actual population (Na) of madura cattle is 216 heads of cattle. The effective population of madura cattle is 30 heads of cattle. Rate of inbreeding of madura cattle in Burneh sub-district is 1,
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStruktur Populasi Sapi Madura di Kecamatan Burneh Kabupaten Bangkalanid
dc.title.alternativePopulation Structure of Madura Cattle in Burneh Sub-District Bangkalan Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmadura cattleid
dc.subject.keywordpopulation structureid
dc.subject.keywordrate of inbreedingid
dc.subject.keywordpopulation structureid
dc.subject.keywordrate of inbreedingid
dc.subject.keywordmadura cattleid

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