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dc.contributor.advisorNurhayati, Tati
dc.contributor.advisorUju, Uju
dc.contributor.authorSimangunsong, Jessica shinta uli
dc.description.abstractPepsin merupakan enzim proteolitik yang aktif dalam kondisi asam. Bahan baku alternatif penghasil pepsin adalah lambung ikan tuna sirip kuning. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkarakterisasi enzim pepsin dari lambung tuna sirip kuning dan menentukan pengaruh pengeringan terhadap aktivitas enzim. Metode pengeringan yang digunakan, yaitu spray drying dan freeze drying. Aktivitas spesifik ekstrak kasar pepsin 19.982,52 U/mg, dengan Vmaks 50.000 mmol/s dan Km 0,5 mM. Pepsin optimum pada suhu 50°C dan pH 2, serta memiliki bobot molekul 32,837 kDa. Pepsin hasil spray dryer memiliki aktivitas spesifik 7693,5 U/mg, serta nilai Vmaks 833,33 mmol/s dan Km 0,5 mM, sedangkan hasil freeze dryer memiliki aktivitas spesifik 8606,75 U/mg, serta nilai Vmaks dan Km berturut-turut 1666,67 mmol/s dan 0,833 mM. Bobot molekul pepsin hasil pengeringan spray dryer 33,764 kDa dan freeze dryer 33,64 kDa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik pepsin menurun setelah proses
dc.description.abstractPepsin is a proteolytic enzyme that has the ability active in acidic conditions. The alternative raw material for pepsin is the stomach of yellowfin tuna. The purpose of this study was to characterize the pepsin enzyme from the stomach of yellowfin tuna and to analyze the enzyme activity after drying process. The drying method was used spray drying and freeze drying. The specific activity of pepsin crude extract was 19.982,52 U/mg, with Vmax 50.000 mmol/s and Km 0,5 mM. The optimum pepsin at 50oC temperature and pH 2, and has a molecular weight 31,837 kDa. The dried pepsin with spray drying has a specific activity 7693,5 U/mg, with Vmax 833,33 mmol/s and Km 0,5 mM, whereas with freeze drying has a specific activity 8606,75 U/mg, Vmax and Km values respectively 1666,67 mmol/s and 0,833 mM. The molecular weight of pepsin enzyme with spray drying 33,764 kDa and freeze drying 33,64 kDa. The results showed the specific activity of pepsin decreased after the drying processid
dc.description.sponsorshipKementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia melalui PTUPT 2020 an Prof Dr Tati Nurhayati SPi, MSiid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Metode Pengeringan terhadap Aktivitas Pepsin dari Lambung Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus albacares)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Effect of Drying Methods on Pepsin Activity from Yellowfin Tuna Gastric (Thunnus albacares)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAktivitas enzimid
dc.subject.keywordPengeringan bekuid
dc.subject.keywordPengeringan semprotid

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