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dc.contributor.authorMulyantara, F.X. Lilik Tri
dc.description.abstractGenerally uniformity of moisture content was difficult to be reached due to un-mixed product during drying process. A study on performance of hybrid-green house effect (GHE) solar dryer with rotary drum chamber for shelled corn drying has been conducted. The objectives of this research were: to evaluate performance of hybrid-GHE solar dryer with cylinder type, to develop model to predict temperature, relative of humidity, and decreasing of shelled corn moisture content and to validate the model which developed by the experimental data. The model was constructed based on heat and mass balance. The models were solved by Euler’s finite difference method. Three experiments have been conducted and the results showed that the range of room temperature and relative hummidity were 34.0-41.0 °C and 60.2-76%, respectively. Based on this condition, 1114.1-1304.3 kg mass of shelled corn with the initial moisture content 22.28-24.87% wb. could be dried until to 15.92-17.58% wb. in 8-11 hours. By rotating the cylinder 15 minutes per hour, difference of inside and outside temperature of shelled corn layer was 0-9.8°C and moisture content was 0-2.3% wb. The drying capacity was 118.57-161.76 kg/h. Spesific energy consumption and main cost were 6.03-10.13 MJ/kg and 75.89-124.37 Rupiah/kg, respectively. Total efficiency with solar iradiation and without solar iradiation were 19.88-39.15% and 22.51-46.06%, respectively. The models that had developed has already explain the experiment data. Coefficient of determinant (COD) of model with experiment data for room temperature, relative of humidity, grain temperature, water tank temperature, and moisture content were 0.74, 0.09, 0.35, 0.91 and 0.98, respectively. The absolute percentage deviation (APD) were 1.29%, 5.89%, 1.79%, 3.5% and 0.86%. Simulation for rotating cylinder showed that by continuous rotating had the highest influence for uniformity of temperature and moisture content. The result showed that this treatment had smallest difference of inside and outside temperature and moisture content were 0.05-1.78°C and 0.14-0.56% wb. respectively. Simulation for input changing showed that by using higher mass flow rate was 0.8 kg/second had the best influence for uniformity of temperature. The result showed that this treatment had smallest difference of inside and outside temperature was 0.31-7.81°C and the APD was 3.82%. And by adding 10% iradiation input had the highest influence for uniformity of moisture content. The result showed that this treatment had smallest difference of inside and outside moisture content was 0.14-2.94% wb. and the APD was
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSimulasi Proses Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan dengan Mesin Pengering Surya Tipe Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK)-Hybrid dengan Wadah Silinderid

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