Quality and nutritional evaluation on fish nugget of dark flesh tuna, Thunnus sp
Dark flesh tuna is a kind of rejected flesh in processing and canning of tuna flesh because it is easy to be rancid and changed in color. The objectives of this research were : 1) to determine an effective concentration of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) in bleaching the color of dark flesh tuna, 2) to evaluate and compare the quality of fish nugget from both dark flesh which was bleached by TiO 2 and white flesh, and 3) to evaluate biological quality of fish nugget protein wich were stored in frozen temperature during 0, 1 and 2 months. Raw materials used, were as follows : dark and white flesh were collected from PT ISAAP BONECOM in Jakarta, TiO 2 proanalysis as bleaching agent, and 21 to 23 days old Spraque Dawley (SD) male rat for in vivo analysis. Nuggets were made by using BBPPHP (Balai Besar Pengembangan dan Pengendalian Hasil Perikanan) methods (2003). Parameters observed were degree of whiteness of the nugget, organoleptic test (different test), proximate analysis (protein, fat, water and ash), nugget quality (TVN ,TPC and TBA), and nutritiona l values of protein (digestibility, biological value and NPU). The results of organoleptic on score of color of the nugget in concentration of TiO2 1 % were not significantly differ with control (white flesh tuna). The score of texture of dark flesh nugget in all treatments with several concentration of TiO2 and without TiO2 were significantly differ from the control (flesh white tuna). The average values of the aroma of dark flesh nugget using several treatments of TiO 2 were not significantly differ from the control except for the treatments without TiO 2. The score of taste of dark flesh nuggets using several treatment of TiO 2 were not significantly differ from the control. Protein content of nugget made of dark flesh tuna in storage duration 0, 1, and 2 months were: 42.0, 37.9 and 34.5 % respectively; fat content: 40.0, 30.4 dan 22.9 % respectively; water content: 70.5, 68.9 and 67.5 % respectively; ash content: 4.5, 4.2 and 4.0 % ; and Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN): 7.1, 7.4 and 7.7 mgN/100g. The TVN content were still below maximum standard TVN value for fish-based food. Total Plate Count (TPC) : 5.3 x 103, 7.0 x 103 and 7.2 x 103 CFU/g which were still below the BSN standard and TBA content: 0.4, 0.4 and 0.6 malonaldehyde/kg. On the basis of nutritional protein evaluation of the nugget (in vivo) in different frozen storages (0, 1 and 2 months), digestibility values found were: 98.5, 98.1 and 96.8 %, respectively. Biological value: 92.1, 93.1 and 96.8, respectively. NPU were: 90.7, 91.3 and 95.1, respectively. These indicated that the protein quality the nugget made from dark flesh was good.
- MT - Agriculture Technology [2326]