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dc.contributor.authorHerlina, Elin
dc.description.abstractFormulated complementary foods have an important role on the nutritional status of infant/young children. Indonesia has enacted four standard (SNI) related to the formulated complementary foods which are instant powder, biscuit, ready to be consumed and ready to be prepared form. According to the Government Regulation, SNI is voluntarily implemented but it could be mandatory with respect to the consumer safety, security, health, environment and/or economic consideration. The objectives of this study were : (a) to review nutrient content declared on the label of registered complementary foods compared with the SNI, (b) to review the percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance declared on the label compared to the nutrition need of infant/young children, (c) to understand the consumer concern on the label and consumption pattern of infant/young children and (d) to review the contribution of formulated complementary foods on nutrition need of infant and young children. Data collected include references, regulations and standards related to complementary feeding, survey result, label of registered complementary foods. The study showed that the percentage of complementary foods which did not meet the level of certain nutrient required by the standard for the local instant powder, imported instant powder, biscuit and ready to be prepared form were 32 %, 87 %, 67 %, and 100 % respectively. Whereas, the percentage of complementary foods which did not meet overall nutrient requirements stated on the standard, either nutrient that should be contained therein or voluntarily added, for the local instant powder, imported instant powder, biscuit and ready to be prepared form were 68 %, 100 %, 73 %, and 100 %, respectively. Serving size of complementary foods compared to the reference amounts for the local instant powder, imported instant powder, biscuit and ready to prepared form were 100 – 333 %, 213 – 313 %, 257 – 743 % and 100 – 163 %, respectively. Survey result showed that 28 % infant and young children consumed the complementary food instant powder and the frequency of consumption was 2,7 times per day. Biscuit was consumed by 44 % infant and young children and the frequency of consumption was 1,6 times per day. Infant and young children need some nutrients such as energy, protein, fat, linoleic acid, carbohydrate, beta carotene total carotene folic acid, potassium, sodium, phosphor, magnesium, zinc, selenium and iodine from other sources to fulfill the recommended daily
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectyoung childrenid
dc.titleKajian Kesesuaian Produk Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu (MP-ASI) terhadap Standar Nasional Indonesia dan Kontribusi terhadap Kecukupan Gizi Bayi/Anakid

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