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dc.contributor.authorSianipar, Dorkas
dc.description.abstractBinthe biluhuta is an ethnic food of Gorontalo, made from mixture of young corn, onion, leek, basil, desiccated coconut, chili and fish. The demand of binthe biluhuta is very high reaching 1,095 ton/year. To enhance traditional food image to have same level as other foods, technology development must be carried out. Seasoning is very important ingredient in foods. Seasoning plays as a flavor and can function as preservative. The objective of this research was to find the best seasoning formulation of binthe biluhuta, predict of it’s shelf life based on critical moisture and to evaluated quality changes measurement of binthe biluhuta seasoning during storage. The first step research was seasoning preparation which was carried out the processing of chili, onion, basil, leek, coconut drying and seasoning formulation. The second step was determination of sorption isotherm from the best seasoning formulation. The analyses conducted were equalibrium water content balance, critical moisture content and it’s shelf life. The third step were storage analysis of seasoning formula which was packaged with two methods using vacuum and non vacuum packaged in HDPE, PP and Alufo was kept at 97% RH in room temperature. The parameter of analysis were organoleptic test, FFA, total plate count of microbe and total count of mould -yeast. The research showed that the best formulation is Formula 2. Moisture sorption isotherm derived from the correlation of moisture content data indicated a typical sigmoid curve implying 3 regions of water fraction. The first water fraction ranged 0-3.148 (%db), the second water ranged 3.148-13.438 (%db) and the third water fraction ranged 13.438-52.970 (%db). The seasoning binthe biluhuta packaged in Alufo stored at 80 and 90% RH were demonstrated the longest shelf life which were equal to 748 and 423 days, respectively. Equation model can’t describe isotherm of instant seasoning binthe biluhuta with MRD of value >10. Storage time resulted in decreasing quality observed as increasing of water content, FFA value, microbe content (TPC) and mould-yeast content. It was also shown by decreasing of panelist hedonic
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectBinthe biluhutaid
dc.subjectwater sorption isothermid
dc.subjectshelf lifeid
dc.subjectfree fatty acidid
dc.titleKajian Formulasi Bumbu Instan Binthe Biluhuta, Karakteristik Hidratasi dan Pendugaan Umur Simpannya dengan Menggunakan Metode Pendekatan Kadar Air Kritisid

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