Browsing MT - Professional Master by Title
Now showing items 235-254 of 887
Gap Analysis in Javan Hawk-Eagle [Spizaetus bartelsi] Conservation
(2010)This approach is quite different from existing conservation actions, which are site based and fragmented. Research was conducted since December 2009 until February 2010 in GGPNP, Telaga Warna NR and its surrounding forested ... -
Geospatial Modeling of Vegetation Cover Changes on a Small Island (Case Study: Tanakeke Island, Takalar District, South Sulawesi)
(2014)Indonesia telah kehilangan lebih dari 1,2 juta hektar mangrove sejak tahun 1980 ketika tutupan hutan mangrove masih 4,2 juta hektar (FAO 2007). Luas hutan mangrove di Pulau Tanakeke, Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan, ... -
GIS approach to determine the earthquake hazard areas in feasibility site for nuclear power plant in Bangka Island
(2014)The Indonesian government is planning to build four nuclear power plants (PLTNs) until 2025 to meet domestic demand for electricity based on Presidential Decree No. 5/2006 on national energy policy. In accordance with Act ... -
Hubungan Pemanfaatan Media Komunikasi Prima Tani Dan Aksesibilitas Kelembagaan Tani Dengan Persepsi Petani Tentang Introduksi Teknologi Agribisnis Industrial Pedesaan (Kasus Di Jawa Barat Dan Sulawesi Selatan )
(2008)Perkembangan pembangunan nasional dan perubahan lingkungan strategis yang terjadi pada akhir-akhir ini mendorong Departemen Pertanian untuk terus meningkatkan peran serta yang lebih proaktif dan sistematis, khususnya ... -
Identification of antifungal compound from endophytic bacteria of Taxus sumatrana
(2013)In recent decades, there has been an increase in fungal infection caused by resistance of some species of fungus to fungicides used in medicinal treatment. The use of antifungal in the treatment of fungal infections should ... -
Identifikasi Begomovirus yang Menginfeksi Beberapa Tanaman Inang, Biotipe Kutukebul Bemisia tabaci, dan Bakteri Endosimbion yang Berasosiasi dengan Kutukebul
(27-08-27)Penyakit tanaman yang disebabkan oleh Begomovirus telah banyak dilaporkan iterjadi pada tanaman tomat (Tomato yellow leaf curl virus/TYLCV), cabai (Pepper yellow leaf curl virus/PYLCV), terung (Tomato yellow leaf ... -
Identifikasi Faktor Kerentanan dan Upaya Mitigasi Food Fraud : Studi Kasus Pada Industri Susu Bubuk
(2021)Tujuh puluh sembilan persen dari kebutuhan susu dalam negeri Indonesia dipenuhi oleh bahan baku bubuk susu impor. Bahan baku impor memiliki kerentanan terhadap kecurangan pangan atau food fraud karena rantai pasoknya yang ... -
Identifikasi Literasi Informasi Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Kurikulum di Sekolah Dasar
(2014)Di tingkat internasional kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia masih belum beranjak naik. Indeks pembangunan pendidikan untuk semua (Education for All) di Indonesia masih belum beranjak dari kategori medium atau sedang. Sementara ... -
Identifikasi Pangan Olahan Dan Konsumsinya Melalui Survei Konsumsi Makanan Individu Di Dki Jakarta
(2017)Pangan olahan mendominasi asupan harian penduduk di negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat dan Jerman. Di Indonesia, data mengenai jumlah dan kontribusi zat gizi pangan olahan dalam asupan harian belum tersedia secara ... -
The impact of credit by Grameen Bank scheme from Lembaga Ekonomi Pengembangan Pesisir Mikro Mitra Mina (LEPP-M3) Cooperative on coastal communities income in Tuban District.
(2012)Coastal communities consist of fishermen, fish farmer, fish manufacturers and traders, and other communities which its social and economies depend on marine and fisheries resources. Over 32% of its population, which is two ... -
The implementation efectivity study of Salt Business Empowerment Program in Losarang Village, Indramayu City.
(2012)An ironic thing that Indonesia as maritime country have insufficiency salt problem. Salt is strategic commodities that can be easily produced by evaporation of sea water and policy salts have been issued since the Dutch ... -
Implementation of Public Service Agency and Its Implications to Sustainable Self-Financed National Park Management
(2012)The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Forestry for the period of 2010-2014 has mandated the revitalization of 12 national parks to become Public Service Agencies. It would allow national parks to be self-financed. ... -
Increased Distribution Strategy People Business Credit at ABC Bank Branch Pangkalpinang
(2014)Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a role in the national development strategy. Due to most of the people involved in the activities of SMEs and cooperatives, both in the traditional and modern sectors. ... -
Induction of sprouting on bulbs of Polianthes tuberosa L. by curing and application of plant growth regulators
(2012)Increasing flower production of Polianthes is hindered by limited supply of bulb. Newly harvested bulb shows after ripening phenomenon, in which new bulbs are not readily sprouting. Farmers usually air or sun-dried the ... -
Integrating Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Modeling for Detection of Drought and Its Publication in the Internet (Case Study of Karawang District, West Java)
(2008)Drought detection based on evaporative fraction (EF) in Karawang district has been done by using remote sensing and energy balance modeling. EF indicates how much of the available energy is used for evapotranspiration, ... -
Intensi Wirausaha Sektor Pertanian pada Generasi Muda (Studi Kasus Program Penumbuhan Wirausaha Muda Pertanian)
(2017)Sektor pertanian Indonesia di dominasi oleh sumber daya manusia berusia lanjut dan memiliki produktifitas rendah. Rendahnya ketertarikan generasi muda mengembangkan sektor pertanian karena membutuhkan modal yang besar. ... -
Interaction Between Native Communities (Indigenous People) with The Immigrants and Its Implication to The Management Concept of Wasur National Park.
(2012)Wasur National Park (WNP) was one of Indonesia Natural Reserve Areainhabited by 68,8% native communities namely Marind Imbuti, Kanume, Marori Men Gey and Yeinan, also by 31,18% immigrants originating from Java, Sulawesi ... -
Intervensi Pengayaan Pengetahuan Pangan dan Gizi pada Muatan Lokal untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertarna Nama NIM di Kabupaten Larnpung Barat
(2009)Penelitian ini seCal'a umum bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh intervensi pengayaan pengetahuan pangan dan gizi melalui mata pelajaran muatan lokal (MULOK) terhadap pengetahuan pangan dan gizi serta perilaku makan siswa, ... -
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Antigen Human papillomavirus (HPV) asal Sel HeLa ATCC-CCL2.
(2023)Infeksi Human papillomavirus (HPV) diketahui sebagai penyebab kanker serviks yaitu salah satu kanker paling mematikan yang mengancam kesehatan wanita dengan menempati peringkat keempat di dunia. Infeksi virus HPV meyebabkan ... -
Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Konsorsium Mikrob Perombak Lumpur Minyak Dan Ekosistem Air Hitam
(2004)Bakteri pendegradasi hidrokarbon diisolasi dari tanah ekosistem air hitam. Hasil dari ekosistem air hitam didapat tiga unggulan konsorsium yaitu konsorsium DNH-U 3877, THG-T 4278 dan SHA-S 4086, pada tiga konsorsium ...