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dc.contributor.advisorEvvyernie, Dwierra
dc.contributor.advisorHarlina, Eva
dc.contributor.authorTresia, Gresy Eva
dc.description.abstractNematodiasis is one of the obstacles in achieving optimum milk productivity. Kemuning leaves (Muraya panicu/ata [L.] Jack) is a herb with a active compound has anthelmintik activity. The aim of this research was to study the influence of kemuning leaves as anti parasites in the digestive tract. The research consists of the RO (control), R I (concentrates containing of 10% Date Fruit Waste (DFW) and kemuning leaves meal (1 %), R2 concentrate contains of 20% Date Fruit Waste (DFW) and kemuning leaves meal I %. Nine lactating Etawah crossbred goats of 56.5±7.3 Kg body weight, number of calving of 1-4 times and average milk production 849±168 rnL day" , randomly grouped into 3 groups and each treatment 3 replicates. Data analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOV A). The result showed that the treatment were not affected on performance (feed intake, digestibility, ' and AD G), EPG and physiological response (heart rate, rectal temperature and breath frequency). Kemuning leaves have potential as anthelmintic and works better in suppressing the development of eggs of Trichuris sp. parasites than Strongylid
dc.subject.ddcAnimal husbandryid
dc.titleManfaat Tepung Daun Kemuning (Muraya paniculata [L.] Jack) dalam Menekan lnfestasi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan Kambing PEid
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subject.keywordMurraya paniculataid

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