Browsing Published By Media by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 158
Ada Konflik Kelas di Perikanan
(2015-04-05)Sektor Perikanan dan Kelautan kian menjadi primadona dalam era pemerintahan Jokowi. Ada harapan besar, sektor ini bisa menjadi sumber pertumbuhan baru yang mampu mensejahterakan rakyat. -
Analisis Citra Merek dan Perpindahan Merek pada Produk Mi Instan
(2003-06-01)The purpose of this study were to analyze the characteristics of consumer and purchase behavior, to analyze brand association and brand loyalty of instant noodle consumer. This study used the theory of consumer behavior ... -
Analisis Hubungan antara Persepsi Popularitas, Persepsi Kualitas, Persepsi Harga dengan Merek Teh Celup yang Dikonsumsi
(2002-12-02)The purposes of this study were to examine consumers’ perception toward tea brands’ popularity, quality, price and tea brand consumed; and to analyze the relationships among those variables. This study used the concept of ... -
(1998-07-01)The objectives of the study were to analyze the relationship between household food security and family well-being. The 1996 SUSENAS DATA of Consumption and Core Modules were used to analyze the household food security ... -
Analisis Klaim Iklan dan Label pada Produk Pangan
(1999-12-02)The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristicsof advertising claim and labels in food product and to evaluate the truth of food claim advertised in some magazines. Content analysis was used as a method of the ... -
Analisis makanan ikan baji-baji (Plathycephalus indicus Linnaeus, 1785) di perairan Teluk Pabean Indramayu, Jawa Barat
(2016-12)Ikan baji-baji termasuk famili Platychepalidae yang hidup di dasar perairan dan biasanya ditemukan di daerah pesisir, di estuari berlumpur atau pasir. Beberapa ikan hidup di pantai berbatu atau terumbu karang. Pemanfaatan ... -
Analisis Persepsi Popularitas, Kualitas, dan Harga serta Hubungannya dengan Konsumsi Berbagai Merek Minyak Goreng
(2000-07-01)The purpose of this study was to identify brands of fried oil consumed by consumers, to examine consumers’ perceptions of brands’ popularity, quality, and price, and to analyze the relationships among perception of brands’ ... -
Analisis Perubahan Konsumsi Pangan dan Bukan Pangan pada Keluarga Miskin di Pedesaan dan Perkotaan di Masa Krisis Ekonomi
(1999-12-02)The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in food and non food consumption of low income families in rural and urban areas during the economic crisis, and to investigate the relationship between families’ ... -
Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Sektor Pertanian dan Luar Pertanian serta Kaitannya dengan Status Gizi Petani
(1994-12)The objectives of the study are to identify farm and non-farm productivities and to examine factor influencing such productivities. Data were obtained from 148 houseolds randomlyselected in two village in Kecamatan Jonggol, ... -
Analisis Sikap Angka Ideal Terhadap Produk Jus Jeruk
(2001-07-01)The purpose of this study was to examine the consumers’ attitudes toward orange juice products of two different brands. The organoleptic test were conducted for collecting the data from respondents who were purposively ... -
Analisis Sikap Multiatribut Fishbein Terhadap Produk Biskuit Sandwich Coklat
(2000-12-02)The purpose of this study was to examine the consumers’ attitudes toward chocolate sandwich biscuits of two different brands. The organoleptic tests were conducted for collecting the data from 85 respondents who were ... -
Ancaman Kegagalan Diversifikasi Pangan
(2015-02-03)Pangan adalah kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi sehingga pengabaian hak atas pangan dapat dikategorikan pelanggaran HAM. Oleh sebab itu, negara wajib menyediakan pangan bagi rakyatnya dengan harga terjangkau sehingga ... -
Antara Khitah & Kiprah BPR
(2014-12-29)Banyak BPR yang melenceng dari raison d'etre-nya, yakni melayani kebutuhan pendanaan untuk kegiatan produktif usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Pangsa kredit BPR berdasarkan jenis penggunaannya, terlihat bahwa porsi ... -
Ayo Sarapan Biar Tidak Pingsan
(2015-02-16)Penelitian yang dilansir Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pendidikan Dasar Menengah serta Kementrian Kesehatan menyatakan 30-40 persen pelajar Indonesia bersekolah sonder makan pagi. Menurut Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pendidikan ... -
Bantuan Dana bagi Partai Politik
(2015-03-27)Bantuan dana dari negara ini haruslah sekadar komplemen. -
Beberapa faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Morbiditas Balita di Daerah Pemukiman Kumuh dan Program Perbaikan Kampung
(1997-07-01)The purpose of this study was to analize factors related to children’s mobidity level. The data obtained from 60 families randomly selected in two kelurahan in Jakrta Utara. The results of the study showed that father and ...