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dc.contributor.advisorPujantoro, Lilik
dc.contributor.authorPrawiro, Eki Aryanto
dc.description.abstractBad post-harvest handling cause shallot damage and sprouting before the right time. Therefore the study of interaction initial moisture content and low temperature treatment is needed. The purpose of this research are to testing the effect of moisture content and low temperature of the damage and sprouting, and to knowing optimum moisture content and temperature to reduce the damage and sprouting. Methods of this research using some levels moisture content, there are ±85%, ±83%, dan ±81%, and then shallot seed stored at temperature 5°C and room temperature during 8 weeks. The result showed that interaction of moisture content and temperature had not significant effect on the sprouting, but significant effect on the damage. Optimum moisture content in the range of 80-85% can hold percentage of sprouting, but it cannot hold damage percentage. Percentage of damage is 19.8%. Temperature 5°C is the most optimal to reduce damage percentage, but the highest percentage of sprouting occurred at temperature 5°C. Percentage of sprouting is 4.8%.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcAllium ascalonicumen
dc.titlePenyimpanan Bibit Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) pada Suhu Rendah dan Perlakuan Kadar Air Awal Untuk Mempertahankan Mutuen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordshallot seed.en
dc.subject.keywordmoisture contenten

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