Browsing MT - Forestry by Title
Now showing items 166-185 of 1419
Carbon Stock and Footprint of Cacao Agroforest in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi.
(2018)Cacao is one of the commodities that play an important role in supporting economic and social development both in tropical and subtropical countries. However, it also acts as one of the significant contributor of carbon ... -
Characteristics of cross laminated timber made from fast growing species with a different number of layers
(2012)Cross laminated timber (CLT) is one of the engineered wood products made by arranging a number of layers of wood crossing one another, which are then glued with adhesive. The purpose of this study was to determine the ... -
Characteristics of Cross Laminated Timber Made from Jabon Wood based on Lamina Thickness and Angle Orientation
(2012)Along with the technological developments, a new method of laminated timber has been found, called by cross laminated timber (CLT). CLT is an engineered product of wood composed of some lamina or layers bonded in an ... -
Characteristics of Rotary-cut Veneer of Boiled Jabon and Sengon Logs.
(2014)Fast growing Jabon and Sengon are largely rotary-cut to produce veneer for plywood, com-ply and LVL. In order to provide better information on veneer production and utilization, the effects of wood juvenility and veneer ... -
Chemical Modification Of Polyphenol And Its Application For Wood Treatment: Natural Catechin Modification
(2017)Katekin merupakan salah satu polifenol alami yang dikenal karena sifat antioksidannya. Katekin sendiri dapat dimodifikasi dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi kegunaannya dengan berbagai senyawa lain, seperti resin ... -
Chip Block Pallet Berperekat Non-Formaldehida dari Partikel Kayu Jati
(2023-07-31)Serbuk gergaji merupakan salah satu produk hasil samping dari industri mebel yang berpotensi dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan chip block pallet (CBP). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan CBP ramah ... -
Ciri Anatomi dan Laju Pengeringan Alami Tiga Jenis Kayu Cinnamomum
(2009)Genus of Cinnamomum is well known enough as medicinal plant since it produces several active substances for many medicinal purposes. The bark, known as kulit kayu manis, and wood were extracted and utilized for food and ... -
Ciri anatomi dan laju pengeringan alami tiga jenis kayu Cinnamomum:
(2009)Keberadaan jenis pohon kayu manis (Cinnamomum sp.) yang awalnya banyak tumbuh di hutan, dewasa ini sudah banyak di budidayakan pada lahan perkebunan dan pekarangan terutama untuk jenis C.burmanii. Pemanfaatan jenis Cinnamomun ... -
Ciri kimiawi asam resin kopal Agathis loranthifolia
(2011)Copal is originated from exudate of Agathis loranthifolia trees, which flows out from the tapping. Indonesian copal includes manila copal, is divided into four groups among others: bua, loba, melengket and Pontianak copal. ... -
Cloning Method of Pest Resistance Gene from Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria).
(2012)Sengon is one of fast growing trees species, which is widely cultivated in plantations forest in Indonesia due to its multipurpose nature, and easy to grow. The plantation, however, faces serious problem of stem borer ... -
CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) potention as an alternative fuel for fishing ship with 11 m length.
(2014)Fishermen get challenge from both internal and external when doing fishes catching process, especially at fulfill his economic needs. The external factors are import fishes who lead the markets, bad weather, and high sea ... -
Collaborative Development of Mount. Ciremai National Park: An Action Research
(2011)Conflict over natural resource management in Kuningan district rose due to access restriction since establishment of Ciremai Mountain National Park according to Ministry of Forestry Decree No. SK.424/Menhut-II/2004. Local ... -
Collaborative Management of Kampar Peninsula Peat Swamp Forest Ecosystem, Riau Province
(2012)Various utilization to the natural resources at Kampar Peninsula has indicated resources degradation that could threaten its’ status. The aims of this research were to indentify natural resources’ characteristic, usage, ... -
Conservation of Rafflesia zollingeriana Koord in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java.
(2013)Rafflesia zollingeriana Koord is a protected rare plants in Indonesia, according to Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999. This species is endemic to Meru Betiri National Park. However, reality shows that R. zollingeriana ... -
Conservation Of The Asiatic Soft-Shell Turtle Amyda Cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770) In The Belawa Village, Lemah Abang District, Cirebon, West Java
(2012)Asian soft-shell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert,1770) has been considered as sacred turtle by the community of Belawa Village. In the village, they are found in the irrigation channels and fish ponds, as well as in ... -
Contribution Level Of City Communities Toward Maintenance Of Drinking Water Sources In Das Baubau
(2013)Bau-Bau is one small town to being a center of actively carry out the devel9:f!:...ment in various sectors of life. Increasing population and incomes have resul'f!dP in an increase in the demand for clean water. Water ... -
Critical Review of Timber Legality Policy in Private Forests (Case in Lampung Tengah Province, Buleleng, Konawe Selatan and Kulonprogo).
(2013)Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) issued by the Ministry of Indonesian Forestry is aimed (1) to achieve sustainable forest management, (2) implement good forest governance, and (3) to combat illegal logging and its ... -
Cross Laminated Lumber dari Limbah Batang Kelapa Sawit
(2014)Tanaman kelapa sawit memiliki umur produktif 25-30 tahun. Tanaman kelapa sawit yang sudah tidak produktif lagi akan ditebang dan batangnya selama ini hanya dibiarkan begitu saja di lahan perkebunan sehingga dapat ... -
Daerah Jelajah dan Model Kesesuaian Habitat Harimau Sumatra (Panthera tigris sumatrae) Pasca Translokasi
(2023)Harimau Sumatra merupakan mamalia yang terancam punah di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, harimau memainkan peran pengaturan yang penting dalam menjaga ekosistem yang sehat dengan memberikan tekanan dari atas ke bawah terhadap ... -
Dampak Aplikasi Foaming Agent pada Tanah Gambut Bekas Terbakar di Desa Rimba Panjang, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau
(2021)Kebakaran gambut akan menyebabkan terjadinya subsiden, kerusakan pada sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta melepaskan gas rumah kaca. Pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan lahan biasanya dilakukan hanya dengan menggunakan ...