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dc.contributor.advisorSatoto, Kukuh Budi
dc.contributor.advisorKhotijah, Lilis
dc.contributor.authorRamadini, Fauziah
dc.description.abstractOne of the ways to satisfy the needs of livestock, But befitting with a preferred feed livestock is to use the cafeteria feeding system. The cafeteria feeding give opportunity for animal to choose his favorite feed ingredients. The research worked on two groups of goat kids (6 goat kids) fed a starter ration mix and cafeteria feeding. The observed variables were body weight gain, feed intake, consumption of nutrients, and feed efficiency. This study aims to provide information feedstuffs favored by the kid and get a starter ration composition using the cafeteria feeding system. The results showed a propensity to consume pollard and soybean meal. The cafeteria feeding system generates the following composition of feed ingredients pollard (49.62%), corn (2.41%), soybean meal (20.96%), cassava (23.56%), and coconut meal (3.45%). The performance of the two treatments is cafeteria feeding and mix body weight 10.67 (kg) and 11.177 (kg) and feed efficiency of 0.48 and 0.46.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcStarter feden
dc.subject.ddcNutrition and Feed technologyen
dc.titleKonsumsi dan Pertumbuhan Kambing Peranakan Etawa Periode Prasapih yang diberi Ransum Strater dengan Cara Bebas Pilihen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordstarter fed.en
dc.subject.keywordetawa breed goaten
dc.subject.keywordgoat kidsen
dc.subject.keywordcafeteria feedingen
dc.subject.keywordAnimal welfareen

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