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dc.contributor.advisorPramudya, Bambang
dc.contributor.advisorSolahudin, Mohamad
dc.contributor.authorSigiro, Verari Maysosa
dc.description.abstractRed chili is one of the agricultural commodities that are needed in daily life for flavoring food. Lack of information on the planting and harvesting in production area of red chili on monthly basis which will have significant effect to the supply and the price as well as being one of the constraint in improving the effectiveness of the red chili logistic and supply chain system. The purpose of this research is to build information system area planting and production estimate of red chili based on SMS (Short Massage Service) and web in Liwa, West Lampung. The method used to build the information system is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) consists of investigation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of the system. The method to estimate production of red chili used Monte Carlo simulation and validation of the simulation result used MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error). Analysis between observation and simulation production of red chili using linear regression obtain the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.982 for Lado variety and 0.993 for Jitu variety. Validation between observation with the simulation production of red chili Jitu and Lado varieties can be accepted in satisfactory use of MAPE.en
dc.subject.ddcLampung Baraten
dc.subject.ddcAgricultural Engineeringen
dc.titleSistem informasi luas tanam dan perkiraan produksi cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L.) di Liwa, Lampung Baraten
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordinformation systemen
dc.subject.keywordred chilien

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