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dc.contributor.advisorFariyanti, Anna
dc.contributor.authorWijaya, Verani Restia
dc.description.abstractSoybean is the important ingredient in soybean processing enterprises such as tofu and tempeh. The increase of soybean price that has affects the business sustainability of the household tofu industry who have limited capital and accessibility. The objective of this research is to analyse the effect of increasing soybean price to the cost structure, profit, and value-added of the tofu industry in Leuweung Kolot village. The analysis used in this study consisted of analysis for calculating profit, analysis of revenue and R/C ratio, also the value-added analysis by using Hayami method. Based on the research that had been conducted showed that the increase in soybean price affected the cost structure and profit of tofu industry. The increase in profit based on the strategy undertaken by the tofu industry to increase the selling price and decrease the size of tofu. Likewise with value added analysis indicated that the increase in soybean prices also affected the value added generated by the tofu industry in Leuweung Kolot village.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcSmall scale industryen
dc.titlePengaruh peningkatan harga kedelai terhadap keuntungan dan nilai tambah industri tahu di Desa Leuweung Kolot Kecamatan Cibungbulang Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordvalue addeden

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