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dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Amiruddin
dc.contributor.authorAdelia, Pia
dc.description.abstractIn accordance with the developments of the times, radio not only convey information on air broadcast in but also accompanied by a off air broadcast to further improve the effectiveness of radio and reach out to a hearer outside the reach of on air broadcast. Radio Pertanian Ciawi (RPC) active in on air and off air activities in advanced the world of agriculture and develop community farmers to get the latest information. This research aimed to see the effectiveness of Radio Pertanian Ciawi in the development of agricultural people are viewed from the activities of off air. This study is a research method of census by using quantitative approach that supported a qualitative approach. Based on the analysis of linear regression statistical tests with a total of 32 respondents were obtained that the characteristics of off air listeners generally don't have a real influence on the effectiveness of the RPC in the development of agricultural communities, influential factors on the only level of education, and for the factor program activities off air in general have a real influence on the effectiveness of the RPC in the development of agricultural communitiesen
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcCommunication mediaen
dc.titleEfektivitas Program Kegiatan Radio Pertanian Ciawi (RPC) dalam Pengembangan Masyarakat Pertanianen
dc.subject.keywordcommunity development.en
dc.subject.keywordoff air activity programmeen

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