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dc.contributor.advisorSumarti, Titik
dc.description.abstractThe Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a must for the company as an expression of concern for the social life and environment in addition to pursuit of economic profit. One form of implementation of CSR is the empowerment of local economy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the principles implementation level of community development with the success of CSR program PT Pertamina. The principles implementation level of community development measured indicators of the program suitability to the participants needs, mentoring programs and participation in local economic development programs. Attainment the principles implementation level of community development indicators are expected relate to the success of CSR programs PT Pertamina that measured from the participation level in KUB, the individual income level in one year, and diversity of income levels program participants. This research conducted in Balongan and Majakerta village, Indramayu using survey methods with 60 respondents. Results showed (1) the principles implementation level of community development is at a medium level; (2) the participation level in KUB is at the level of non-participation (low); the individual income level is at the low and medium income level; diversity of income levels are at a high level; (3) the principles implementation level of community development is positively related to the participation level in KUB; not positively related to the individual income level; not positively related to the diversity of income levels program participantsen
dc.subject.ddcIndramayu-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcSocial economicsen
dc.subject.ddcCommunity developmenten
dc.titleHubungan Tingkat Penerapan Prinsip Pengembangan Masyarakat dengan Keberhasilan Program CSR PT Pertaminaen
dc.subject.keywordparticipation level.en
dc.subject.keywordthe success level of CSR programsen
dc.subject.keywordthe principles implementation level of community developmenten

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