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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Ditha Fitrialdi
dc.description.abstractAudiences are responsible for choosing media especially community radio based on the specific motivations to meet their desires and needs to achieve satisfactionafter listening to community radio. This study aimed to asses the correlation between demographic characteristics with viewing motivations, the correlation between motivations and quality broadcastingwith viewing the media exposure, andthe correlation between media exposure with viewing the satisfction of Jaseng FM community radio listeners. Data were collected using a survey method of primary data obtained via questionnaires, direct observation, and indepth interviews. The secondary data obtained through the study of documents and related literature. Respondents are active listeners Jaseng FM radio selected using simple random sampling technique. The results of the study explain that age associated with information motivation and income level associated with personal identity motivation and integration and social interaction motivation. The personal identity motivation associated with duration of listening and selection of broadcast events. The Entertainment motivation, integration and social interaction motivation, broadcast material and qualification of broadcaster associated with duration of listening. The media exposure includes duration of listening associated with the diversion satisfaction, listening frequency associated with personal satisfaction, and the selection of program associated with social interaction satisfaction, personal satisfaction, and diversion satisfaction.en
dc.subject.ddcCommunication mediaen
dc.subject.ddcCommunity developmenten
dc.titleMotivasi, Terpaan Media dan Kepuasan Khalayak Siaran Radio Komunitas Jaseng FM Kecamatan Walantaka Kota Serang, Bantenen
dc.subject.keywordlisteners satisfactionen
dc.subject.keywordcommunity radioen

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