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dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Yesica Firmeianti
dc.description.abstractDemand of hybrid tea roses is growing along with the increasing income and lifestyle changing in the society. The purpose of this research is to review the feasibility of hybrid tea roses business in PT. Agro Dwipa Investindo after it suffered from damaged of the natural disaster. This study uses the descriptive analysis for examining non-financial aspect and quantitative analysis with two scenarios for financial aspect. The result from the non-financial aspect shows that the company is feasible to run. Furthermore, according to the financial aspect, the second scenario is more feasible than the first scenario. It is because the calculation result from the investment criteria of the second scenario demonstrates higher values, which are NPV Rp2 478 014 378; IRR 32 percent; Net B/C 2.90; 4 years, 6 month, 14 days payback period. Moreover, based on the sensitivity analysis, the most influential component to the feasibility of the business is the reduction of hybrid tearoses production.en
dc.titleAnalisis Kelayakan Usaha Bunga Mawar Potong pada PT Agro Dwipa Investindo Cipanas, Kabupaten Cianjur.en
dc.subject.keywordsensitivity analysisen
dc.subject.keywordhybrid tea rosesen
dc.subject.keywordfeasibility study of investmenen

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