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dc.contributor.authorFertiana, Gitta Sestika
dc.description.abstractThe high demand of organic vegetables and government’s program concerned in ‘Go Organic’ is an opportunity for the producers to develop organic vegetables in Indonesia, whereas Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti (YBSB) is one of them. Until present, YBSB is not able to fulfill the consumer’s demand of certain organic vegetables, such as carrot, green spinach, caisin, cos lettuce, and broccoli; therefore YBSB plan to increase its bussiness scale to increase the production. YBSB has not been able to calculate the income levels of those vegetables, which is needed to analyze whether the bussiness is feasible to increase or not. Hence the purpose of this research is to analyze the feasibility of YBSB’s plan to increase its bussiness scale through farm income and R-C ratio analysis. The results of this research concluded that the plan to increase the bussiness scale of carrot, green spinach, and cos lettuce is feasible to run because they are profitable, meanwhile YBSB has to consider the plan to increase the bussiness scale of caisin and broccoli because they are less profitable.en
dc.titleAnalisis Pendapatan Usahatani Sayuran Organik pada Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordorganic vegetablesen
dc.subject.keywordFarm incomeen

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